Five weeks! I’m thinking ‘ice cream cake.’

Last week, we saw our heroine attempting to baste a turkey, clean a house, soothe a newborn and prepare for partygoers. Did she succeed? (You bet your sweet mushroom gravy she did.)

The key? Help. LOTS o’ help. A task-oriented dude, for one. Really, really good friends bearing yum dishes. Showering also gives a nice li’l bit of pep. Also- a baby who decides to prolong her morning nap for three hours. Nora Schoeny for the win!

P.J. and I had a moment over a carved turkey whereupon we contemplated our first housewarmyesque party, the newborn plastered to me in a sling and the big ol’ MAN OF THE HOUSE carving knife in P.J.’s hand. People seem to think we know what we’re doing, we mused. We laughed. Oh, how we laughed.

Black Friday was another first for me, as we found ourselves torn between “We’d be crazy to go out in that madness’ and ‘Five dollar sales at Old Navy!’ So, we drove around for a few hours and took turns hopping in and out of the car, the shopper armed with a cell-phone and detailed list, and the carbound party remaining with a snoozing Nora Jane. (Take HER into a crammed store? I may be slightly nuts but I’m not STUPID. The number of times I got shoved and sneezed upon? I sorta wished for one of those HazMat showers every time I returned.) But, oh- the deals!

We continued our Friday night tradition of watching The Soup- you know, pop culture without that pesky TV immersion or hours wasted? We dig having inside jokes about shows WE’VE NEVER WATCHED (nor ever would), and instead enjoy following the mock-commentary each week about characters and reality stars that we wouldn’t recognize, were they to show up on our doorstep. (Talk about needing a HazMat shower.)

My disdain of reality television does not in any way shake my deep and abiding love for my “programs,” mind you. I am currently mourning that I can no longer watch five episodes (or more!) of The Office each day. Maybe they can make it a daily occurrence? Weekly episodes don’t really fill my need. But don’t pity me. P.J. has queued up entire seasons of 30 Rock and Lost for me- although that last one might take a bit more persuasion. I have a ‘Lord of the Flies’ thing. It’s akin to the scene in So I Married An Axe Murderer, where Mike Myers has an ‘earwig thing.’

But way more traumatic.

Kat came over last night and introduced me to a fabulous British web series called “Green Wing.” I highly recommend it. But only if your sense of humor is superior and you enjoy your zany comedy whip-smart. Only then. (Optional, however, is the added layer of bouncing a fusserpot baby every ten minutes and asking, “What did he say? Oh, that’s hilarious!” It’s the anti-Dolby experience.)

Before you fear for my rotting mind, let me assure you- I’m still reading (one-handed), staving off dementia with crossword puzzles and Scrabble matches, and even managing to return emails and update the blog (one-handed, once-weekly)…so I’m fine. Really. Television is not a problem.

(It’s the solution!)


Confidential to PJS: My daughter and I truly appreciated your late-night reading and apologize if our open mouths and thrown back heads indicated anything but rapt enjoyment. Perhaps your voice is too soothing? (When I awoke an hour later, I saw that you, too, had fallen victim to your own powers with a similar sleeping posture.) Please do not let this dissuade you from such ventures: Vonnegut makes us chuckle in a different (and entirely welcome) manner than E! programming.


  1. you're reading vonnegut to nora jane…?brilliant!

  2. Nothing better than the baby sling! Except that my baby didn't like me to sit down while I was "wearing" her.

  3. nothing like a rousing rendition of slaughterhouse five to prompt good night dreams for nora jane!

  4. What- huh? I still live here you know. You guys could have had your Brit fix with an actual person! Not referring to me though- I hear Jude Law is in town and totally enamored with Nora Jane. Tell Peej to get the shotgun ready…

  5. So it goes…

  6. awk.. I posted on turkey innards..sigh, I am an inept blog poster.Can you fix it?? IBP

  7. LOL, precious stuff. Amazing. Now I have to leave. Why does everything beautiful make me cry? cOULD it be menopause? Yes.keri

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