In like a lion, out like a…nope, still a lion.

Can we talk about Avatar?

That’s right, I’m the gal who posts about a movie the day AFTER the Oscars. But, as I’m not invested in the Oscars at all– weird for a writer n’ actor, no?- I feel no shame. Heck, I rarely even see movies in the theater. As stated before, we [P.J.] are [is] a strictly Netflix home. 

That said- Avatar. We saw it in 3-D over at Webster Place. Peej really wanted to see it in 3-D, and since Alice In Wonderland was going to replace it in a matter of days…of we went. Nora had a party with her favorite [only] sitter Teeny. Whom I was in the Vivian Girls’ show with in 2008 when I understudied every female part, including those of people just walking in front of the theater. AND for whom I got a nanny gig a couple of years ago. Thusly priming her for the occasional Nora (or whomever)-watchin’. (Alllllways thinking.) 

Anyway. Avatar. It was…long. Fun, but long. I still possess a child-sized bladder and pregnancy has done nothing to help this condition. (Plus, we had just downed a humongous soda to “split” with our quick burgers at Five Guys- I wanted a Diet Coke and P.J. wanted something decidedly full-sugar. He compromised by doing half and half. I’m gonna go ahead and say that the irony was intentional.) Of course, once we got to the theater he raced through the line to buy a popcorn, a gargantuan Cherry Coke and an industrial-sized box of Raisinets. I am married to a fourteen year old boy.

So. THE MOVIE. Here’s what I came away with: humans are bad. Very bad. Also, for all its talk of saving energy and worlds and such…I couldn’t help but be overly aware of the mammoth carbon footprint being all stomped by the production, the tour circuit, the trailers, the craft service table, etc, etc. This was no indie shoestring budget jobber. Ohhh, Hollywood. Also, as Teeny put it, “I’ve already seen Pocahontas and Fern Gully.” Although that did inspire her to Netflix Fern Gully for a repeat viewing. A venture for which Nora and I totally want in on. And yes, the movie was gorgeous. And now I want a dragon-like being. Again.

Friday brought a very exciting milestone to the Schoeny household- food! Nora tried her very first bowl of beyond-bland rice cereal mixed into just the right kinda mushy consistency. Mmm MMM! She didn’t care so much for the cereal as food, exactly, but in terms of a new toy or activity? Game on. 

Friday night is also, as everyone knows, when P.J. and I watch The Soup. That’s right, this half hour program at 9pm Central Time is something I look forward to all week. It means: Nora will be asleep, work is done for the week, I won’t be starting any new projects before 7am and a beer/lemonade/embarrassingly herbal tea will be in my hand. <---lame, I know. However, as we got Nora ready for bed (jammies, sleepsack, sleep cap, sleep mittens- it is chilly in her bedroom- two books, five songs, sponging of her gums under the guise of toothbrushing, monitors on, humidifier elephant on, mini spaceheater on- it is COLD!- and noise machine on- her room faces the Kedzie alley, woot woot!) I noticed that Peej was extremely tired. His rendition of Corduroy was, shall we say, sleepy. By the time Nora fell asleep in her crib (I think the bedtime routine wears her out, frankly), P.J. had also faceplanted on a giraffe blanket, a copy of Goodnight Moon and one of the cats. 

Boy, was I peeved. 

So peeved that I downed a Newcastle and half a box of Girl Scout samoas (no court in the land would convict me) and watched the show By. Myself.


And faceplanted into a pile of folded towels, a monkey blanket and a fleece with ears before the show ended.

The next day was ungodly warm for March in Chicago. We celebrated by going outside and walking around the various neighborhoods that are SO close to being on the Albany/Irving Park line and yet so much nicer. So so much nicer. Nora had her first stroller walk not bundled to the eyeballs and celebrated by…falling asleep and shoving a giraffe blanket into her face to block out all the fresh air and sunlight. We kept removing it and exclaiming things like “Nora, look! Birdhouses that haven’t been vandalized! Breezes that don’t smell like [delicious but NON-STOP] Columbian grills!” She responded by squawking like a howler monkey and holding the blanket even tighter to her face, thankyouverymuch. Ah well, at least we aired her out.

On Sunday night we went to the Harris Theater and saw The Magnetic Fields in concert. (Two dates in one week, you ask? It’s true. We are very much in love. And Teeny is making bank on our impulsive decisions.) The show was superbly awesome and our seats were kinda incredible. However, the crowd, as indie crowds are wont to be, was dressed so much better than I was. Not nicer, mind you, just better. The Old Town School of Folk Music crowd, as Peej so aptly calls them, has a knack of out-whatevering me. Dressy event? I wear a dress. They wear a 1950s housedress from their grandmother and a perfectly ironic bob. Casual event? I wear jeans. They wear jeans that, while not marketed as “skinny” jeans, come off looking rather skinny anyhow. And while I try to shove my unruly falling-out mane into something resembling the ol’ I Took A Shower Today look, THEY get to tie their hair up with a rubber band and look like a trillion bucks. 

But the show was still terrific. 

And on our way home? Realizing that we never ate dinner- it happens more often than you’d think- we stopped by the grandest of restaurants on Clark Street…the Weiner’s Circle. Friends here will tell you that my love for the Weiner’s Circle has only gotten stronger over the years, even though I can no longer wait outside at 3am to get my fix of a char-cheddar red hot with everything except sport peppers as well as an absolutely horrific talking-to by the underage and sassy as heck counter girls. (An actual overheard tidbit- “Nice pleather.” “As nice as your weave.”)

It was delicious. Obviously.

But now it’s Monday, and before Nora and I head off to work we must attempt to destroy this pile of laundry (I swear that people are stopping by and adding their laundry to my machine- I can’t possibly own this many towels) and bat at surfaces in an attempt to say that I cleaned. 

Maybe I’ll shower. Once again, let’s all dream big this week.



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