A Case Of The Mondays.

Due to Birthday Month, Halloween week, classroom parties galore, a snowstorm on Trick or Treat, a few minor cases of the sniffles, Daylight Savings Time, and the hotly argued arrival of the Halloween Witch*(?!) who came and took the rest of the household candy, this is the atmosphere ’round my home this fine Monday morning. Happy Monday morning, everyone. *P.J. completely made up the concept of the Halloween Witch**, who removes candy from the homes of smallish children who repeatedly {Read More}

Nora Eats All The Sugar.

Remember how I was talking about what a good, adventurous eater Nora is? Thank God. Because this past month has been a tour de force of sugar. Between Susannah’s birthday, Nora’s birthday, P.J.’s birthday, Halloween parties, and Trick or Treat, it’s been a ridic month of sugar. Here’s a smattering of what she ate since this weekend (and I’m not even including pix of the opera cream cake and oatmeal choco cookies my mother-in-law brought to town): All I can say {Read More}

Now you’re thinking about the taco spoon, aren’t you?

There’s something quite special about waking up on a Monday morning- and feeling like you’re already way behind. Here’s the problem: On the weekends, I like to play this game called I Have No Responsibility. It’s true. I don’t know where this bad habit came from. I’ve never in my life had more to do on the weekends and have never been better at disregarding it. It’s strange. Most weekend mornings, Peej and Nora let me sleep in ’til the 7 {Read More}

In like a lion, out like a…nope, still a lion.

Can we talk about Avatar? That’s right, I’m the gal who posts about a movie the day AFTER the Oscars. But, as I’m not invested in the Oscars at all– weird for a writer n’ actor, no?- I feel no shame. Heck, I rarely even see movies in the theater. As stated before, we [P.J.] are [is] a strictly Netflix home.  That said- Avatar. We saw it in 3-D over at Webster Place. Peej really wanted to see it in {Read More}