The Stunning Conclusion To Our Saga.

Remember back in April and May and June, way back when my house was a swirling pit of stinky despair? (It’s a faint recollection, but it’s there.) Well, I’m sure after the new pix of the downstairs in June everyone was all like- “I guess they only got two rooms refinished after all!” Nope. We got ’em all done, only it took way longer than we had expected to, you know, play Downstairs Jenga with storage and cleaning and general put-back-togetheritude. 
So now, after sewer pipe implosions and cesspools and dug trenches and jackhammer dust and crying oneself to sleep, I present to you…
The End Of The Demolition And Subsequent Renovations.
(Oh Good God, I Just Jinxed It Again.)
Let’s start with the rec room; formerly a kitchen, then P.J.’s BFF’s storage unit, then a nice petri dish for water damage/mold, then briefly a storage unit again, then the site of Huge Honkin’ TrenchFest ’12…
Oh, shucks, you mean you hafta take up ALL
of the Miami hotel circa 1960s tile? Okay.
We had them take out the counters/falling-down cabinetry as
well, because…well…they were janky and the demo team looked bored.
Goodness me, that’s a stunning pair of non-lethal ceiling fans! And that
flooring looks positively mold-free! Is this the Ritz Carlton?
Did I mention that P.J. Ikea-hacked his way through the building
of two awesomesauce built-in bookshelf units? At the rate I keep renewing my vows to this shockingly talented man, he’ll NEVER be free of me!
Same room, opposite view. And what a view it is!
Yes, I realize we ran out of furniture. I can fix that. For now, marvel
at the recycled composite wood-grain hippie porcelain tiles! (And non-
broken walls. Feast your eyes. Nary a trench.)

And who can forget the joy that is my laundry room? We’ve got a tool chest. We have two power drills. We briefly had a washing machine that exploded blanket.

I was actually thrilled when they
found a broken pipe in here and had to gut the room. 
That sure is a cleaner floor! And…are those walls painted?

And P.J.’s office- that poor guy. All he wanted was a place to quietly catalog his music, strum a ukulele, and mainline war epics on Netflix…but no. This room was Gut City, too.

All of the large pieces of furniture lived in P.J.’s office until
roughly an hour before the project wrapped up.
Now that’s a guest room/office worthy of people visiting/
work being done at a desk! (Also, this is not what it looks
like when P.J. is working. Not at ALL.)
And one final pic from the floor of P.J.’s office…I present to you:
Girl With Mostly Finished Lower Level (Except For A Few More Storage Boxes).
It’s gonna be a bestseller.



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