Love The One [Mortgage] You’re With.

This past weekend was oh-so good. Not only was it full of oh-so good friends and festivities and a ridiculously lovely wedding…

…But it also included a moment of utter and absolute validation.

Now, as most of you know, we have a love/hate thing going on with this homestead of ours. We love that we have a homestead. We hate that, roughly once a year, something of epic proportions happens to the homestead which renders it borderline unlivable.

But on Friday night- which was a mild, “leave your windows open a tetch” kinda Fall night- I was awakened around 2am by a couple of twentysomethings [loudly] leaving the bar on the corner. I heard the unmistakable sound of someone leaning against our gate, and was prepared to get all Gran Turino on them. (Which again, for those of you playing at home, I’ve yet to see. But I’m still thoroughly convinced it consists entirely of Clint Eastwood telling people to get the hell off his lawn.)

Get out.


Right before I could get to my window and yell down at them in a completely effective and menacing way, the girl said to the guy “Oh, I’ve always loved this house.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Me too. It was a foreclosure and went really fast- but it’s a cool place.”


I’m sorry, were these tw0 drunken revelers admiring my occasionally falling-down property? I mean, sure, they were DRUNK, but that overheard conversation thrilled me to my core.

So I joyfully punched P.J. awake to share the tale with him.

He was ecstatic, obviously. And mumbled something about parties and sheep and then promptly started to snore.

But it happened. It was real. A random compliment about my even more random house from folks who weren’t at all obligated to sit at my kitchen table and admire my tile work.

It ain’t no write-up in Martha Stewart Living…

…But it kinda felt that way.

And it was awesome.


And now, last week’s What The Heck Are You Talking About NOW, Keely:

On Tuesday, I threatened to buy all the knickknacks and party favors available online. Starting here.

After mailing the lamest letter ever last Wednesday, I felt all the shame.

I had a mild THING on Thursday where I feared the minivan…but, as it turns out, liked it more than I expected.

Thursday also brought my review of the new South Loop Mariano’s shopping extravaganza o’ love.

And apparently I posted nowhere else but on this blog. How homebody-esque of me.

See? Even online, I need to get out more.



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