A Case Of The Mondays.

Due to Birthday Month, Halloween week, classroom parties galore, a snowstorm on Trick or Treat, a few minor cases of the sniffles, Daylight Savings Time, and the hotly argued arrival of the Halloween Witch*(?!) who came and took the rest of the household candy, this is the atmosphere ’round my home this fine Monday morning.

Jasper Halloween

Nora Halloween

Zu Halloween

Happy Monday morning, everyone.

*P.J. completely made up the concept of the Halloween Witch**, who removes candy from the homes of smallish children who repeatedly don’t listen to their parents, refuse to eat “real” foods, and are altogether the types of human beings who have clearly already consumed too many lollipops. Thanks, P.J./Halloween Witch!

**Someone’s strict German heritage*** is showing.

***It so isn’t mine.



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