A Case Of The Mondays.

Due to Birthday Month, Halloween week, classroom parties galore, a snowstorm on Trick or Treat, a few minor cases of the sniffles, Daylight Savings Time, and the hotly argued arrival of the Halloween Witch*(?!) who came and took the rest of the household candy, this is the atmosphere ’round my home this fine Monday morning. Happy Monday morning, everyone. *P.J. completely made up the concept of the Halloween Witch**, who removes candy from the homes of smallish children who repeatedly {Read More}

Sickness With And Without Kiddos: A Primer.

With a few notable exceptions, being sick changes once someone is home with kids. It just does. Here’re some scenarios: You wake up in the morning, sick as a dog. If you’re sans kids: First, ask yourself if you’re just hungover. Yes? If so, pop an Alkaseltzer, go back to bed, and remember how awesome it was to go out the night before and drink and socialize and not pay a babysitter. (Now shh, we’re done here. DONE.) Not hungover? {Read More}

Reports From The Front. (On Their Sides.)

Thankfully, everyone’s feeling much better around here. Unfortunately, this is what the aftermath looks like: You’d think I’d appreciate the whole “staying put” and “not climbing the bookshelves” thing. But the truth is- when they’re this worn out, I kinda find myself longing for a good ol’ fashioned Chair Topplin’. Remind me of this next week, yeah?

June Date: Wait A Sec, REALLY?!

So on Friday night, P.J. had an awesome Date Night planned for us. It was a surprise n’ everything. (For the newcomers, P.J.’s Christmas present to me was a year of cool date nights, highlighting and celebrating everything we say we love about living in Chicago…but somehow never find time to do.) The date he had chosen for June was an evening at Hollywood Beach. (It’s a really, really nice beach traditionally frequented by a largely gay population- meaning that it’s {Read More}

Sunday Night Funday Night.

Peej sure knows how to keep the excitement going ’round here. Last night, as we were prepping the gals for bedtime, he acknowledged that the left side of his face had gone completely numb- something that had been growing in intensity since the night before, along with painful ear pressure. (He had mentioned this when he got home on Saturday night, but me- awesome wife that I am- told him to

I’m Sorry, WHAT Was A Weekend?

What do you mean, you need to “shower?” On Friday night, Nora threw up. (Alllll over P.J.) And as we cleaned her- and the kitchen, and the tub, and ourselves- up, I wondered…was this what Friday night had become? Two consecutive Friday nights with undigested pasta, boiling hot faces, and people screaming every two hours… This is the worst discotheque I’ve ever attended. Saturday brought

Sick Day/Night/Weekend.

…And then there are the nights when your youngest child wakes up simply covered from head to toe in vomit. (And you fail to realize this for a goodly ten minutes, seeing as you and your husband- both hanging out on different floors- thought that the other one got her. This, in particular, makes you feel like a special kind of monster.) When you [finally] see your drenched, shivering, and

Guest Blog: Little Stories Everywhere.

Today is a first for me: a guest blog! My pal Molly at Little Stories Everywhere is a riot- and has the exact same parental neuroses as me. It’s refreshing. Enjoy! *** Molly and her positively edible kiddos. When you have a baby there are scores of things that people never tell you…things that are ugly, horrible and completely disgusting.  One of these sad truths is venturing out to the Pediatricians office for the first time.  It was…hmmm….an experience. Bitzy {Read More}