Pictures That May Just Make You Feel Awesome.

Sometimes, after a long week of posting about cancer (and how you inadvertently flash your thong at church), it’s nice to see some pictures of baybees being all cute: Fun factoid: Their swimsuits are interchangeable. That’s right, my 1.5 and 3.5 year olds wear the same swimmies. “I’m not tired. I’m just gonna sit here. Sideways. With my eyes closed. For an hour and a half. NOT TIRED.” Oh, Zu, it’s not that bad. A moment before she made the {Read More}

Is There A Penance For That?

What’s that old saying- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished? Well, it oughta be amended to include the words And It’s Probably Gonna Be Public, Too. The other night as we were tucking in Nora, she looked up from her laundry list of prayers (people she loves/cupcakes/apples) and asked if we could go to church soon. P.J. and I exchanged a look. Oh yes, that. Ha HA! Now, my girls are no strangers to church, but our recent weekends have included {Read More}

Winter Games. (For An Hour.)

On Saturday, we took the girls sledding. In case you’re curious, here’s what sledding in Chicago looks like. Careful, it’s pretty extreme. First, you bundle your offspring within an inch oftheir lives. It’s cool, they love this part. There are zero chair lifts. But that’s fine, it’s goodfor them to learn how to walk at a 10 degree angle uphill. There will be snowflake eating. (A

Unsafe Driving Practices.

This year, Labor Day brought a picnic with some terrific neighbors and friends and- most importantly- the neighbor’s Barbie Jeep. This wonderful contraption allowed certain parents to drink Riesling while their children proceeded to shove each other out of [semi] moving vehicles.  Thank you, unions. Just checking the specs on the endline for the…rotary…girder… You got a jumper

Unleashing My Spawn On The ‘Hood.

Monsters. Yesterday, as the girls and I were wrapping up a quick grocery run to our neighborhood Cermak, a woman absolutely astounded me with an Out Of Left Field, You Said What kinda comment. (Nothing should surprise me anymore. But it still does.) Here’s the scene: Me, clutching a bag of various produce and various meats, and The Girls, sitting quietly in their double stroller. Susannah was sucking her thumb and snuggling her monkey. Nora was contemplating the Velcro on {Read More}

Just Watch Where You’re Stepping.

We live in a pretty gritty neighborhood.  I mean, we’re not talking The Wire-esque Baltimore, here, but it’s not exactly Mayberry.  Even still, we have moments and places of utter loveliness within throwing distance of our humble (and breaky) abode: Our neighbor’s Koi pond. The girls sometimes think thisis the Aquarium. Even though they’ve been to the real one, I’ve yet to properly correct them. We live four blocks from Manor Playlot, the manicured little parkthat’s right down the street from {Read More}

I Practically Work As A U.N. Translator.

I had my first honest-to-gosh Spanish conversation the other night. (My first, that is, since 11th grade. And that one was mainly about the seasons and whether or not Gil had been to the greengrocer.) Our neighbor from two houses down (for those keeping track, not the 300lb autistic boy and not the irate Filipino) walked by the other evening with her 3 year-old. A little girl named Suzy. Her Suzy waved at us from the street. My Suzy almost unhinged her {Read More}

But Who’s Watching The Baby?

My favorite blue-eyed cherub… …And her jaunts to the park… …With her two babysitters.