My Sister Got Married And All I Got…

(…was this lousy pair of sunglasses. Actually, I like the shades quite a bit.) Over the weekend, my youngest sister Emma and her fiancé Dan got married. Here’s why it was special: Originally intended for May of 2015, this ceremony was quickly whipped into shape by dear family and friends (and family friends) so that neither chemo nor cancer could stand in the way of our Dad walking Em down the aisle. Here’s why it was cool: The small group {Read More}

He did put a ring on it.

See this girl on the right? That’s Annie. And she’s getting married. She also happens to be one of my very favorite people in the whole world. On top of that, she’s moving shortly to the land of Angeles and will no longer reside in the windiest of Midwestern towns. All of these facts combined explain why I threw her a bridal shower and bachelorette this past weekend. And tried to make them the best ones ever. (Also, why does spell check {Read More}