Hey there, Scorpio baby!

Well, this is it. The end of Date Night Month. (And, uh, the BEGINNING OF THE REST OF MY LIFE AS A PARENT AND NON-SLEEPER.) October has treated me pretty well. This week alone we rounded out the dates with a viewing of “Where the Wild Things Are” (I cried, surprise, surprise), a yum dinner at Kiki’s Bistro (no relation) for Peej’s birthday (we had steak pomme frites- bringing us up to…four steaks this week. Nice life) a walk in {Read More}

Two weeks. Gosh, that sounds definite.

I’ve been watching a lot of television lately. I have little to no energy left to renovate or get the house baby-ready at the end of a workday (my new mindset: the baby can sleep on me. Here, throw me that towel.) Between episodes of Ghost Whisperer wherein I cry like my arm is being broken off at the shoulder (I don’t know where this new obsession is coming from- I never used to watch ‘ion: positively entertaining’ tv) and {Read More}