Tapping Out. Again. (Sorta.)

Sometimes you go home- to your real, honest-to-gosh childhood home- and clean out spice cabinets and re-line silverware drawers with new paper. (Sometimes that makes your little neatnik heart way too soar-y.) Sometimes you sit with your Dad and watch bad television- a.k.a. incredible television- and eat wonderful food because it’s there and it’s a thing to do. And sometimes you do nothing. And that’s okay, too. And it isn’t, but sometimes it has to be. The world spins and {Read More}

Sometimes A Picture Has To Do.

And then there are the days where you’re not feeling particularly humorous, or witty, or profound, or even weird- and, especially that last one, is when you know it’s time to say good enough is good enough- which, oh my God, your Dad would just effing hate– and post a picture you like. A picture you love, really. So here it is, a picture I love. My three favorite men in the entire world, all sitting around like the most important {Read More}

Round Up: This One’s For Fans of Susannah And Awesome Dogs.

Oh, Wednesday. I cannot get the hang of you. This morning I did- quite possibly- the Wednesday-est thing ever and misspelled my own children’s last name. You know, the one that’s also mine? Oh, the hilarity. Especially when I jokingly explained that I rarely mess up my own kids’ names…and was met with dead eyes. Wednesday, you big jerk. Onward! Here’s what I did this past week. No worries if you’ve yet to catch up- I mean, it’s not like {Read More}

Dear Dad.

Hi there Pop/Dave- can I call you Dave? Still no? Fine/Dad… I know you’re tired. I know you’re frustrated and depressed about fighting such an unfair uphill battle. And I know how much you’re hating it that I’m blogging about something a father and his kid should never have to discuss, especially not on the interwebs, but there you have it. I don’t make the rules. I mean, I made this one, but other than that? No power. Because if {Read More}

Back When I Was Easily My Parents’ Favorite…

Today’s Throwback Monday is a tad different- it’s only jumping back to February of ’13 (based on a post from 2 years prior to that), but it’s inspired by the events of last Saturday night. My Dad played a show. (And it was awesome. But that part isn’t even newsworthy anymore, since he is consistently and forevermore awesome.) During the second set, however, while the packed crowd was jamming and spinning and flinging drinks into the air, my Dad played a {Read More}

Summering As A Verb.

East Coast Travels, Volume One: In a nutshell, we’ve got cousins, concerts, old friends, new pals, flappin’ about in a pool, and loving on Mim and Pop. That’s a pretty big nutshell. See you next week, friends. You won’t be able to miss me. I’ll be the one weighing roughly a thousand pounds from all of this incredible food… …and face-planting into the pool because of all of these incredible (and incredibly energetic) children.

World’s Best Dad. (Twice.)

I never doubted that the guy I married would be a good father- after all, I’d seen the way he’d drop everything for his friends, the patience he’d exude when our contractors would say things that were less than truthy, and the exuberance he’d bring to playing with our nieces and nephews (and yeah, our cats). But, still. Knowing those things and seeing them in action are horses of a different (2am) color. P.J. is an exceptional father. He sleeps oh-so {Read More}

A Round-Up In Pictures. (And Love.)

Pals, today I’m gonna skip the usual round-up of writin’s (except to say that Chicago peeps should really check out this MSI giveaway- ending tonight!) and give you the round-up of pix which thoroughly define this week. So. Pix Which Thoroughly Define This Week: Someone is enjoying his food. And is preeeeeetty proud of himself. (FYI, this picture sorta encapsulates every dinnertime…and room where food could possibly be served…and at least nine outfits.) On Saturday, I celebrated six years of {Read More}