I’d Kill For That Nursery-Cleaning Mary Poppins Scene.

Stop trying to put away the baby. I have an issue. Rewind for a sec- I have many issues. Okay, fast forward back to where we were: I have one specific issue of which I shall expound upon today. I get overwhelmed easily. And when my level of whelm is through the roof, I become less than pleasant to live with. Take my house, for instance. (Please.) There are very few people who have not heard me whine about keeping {Read More}

Now We Can Buy MORE Stuff!

Peej is ashamed. Also, a good cleaner. Yesterday, I began the process of diggin’ out the homestead. (I initially entitled it The Big Dig, but I hear that’s been taken…) It’s not that we’re being bogged down by too much stuff (which, of course, we are- but that’s not the problem), it’s that we’re being dragged down by the wrong stuff. Or, rather, the stuff we weren’t even aware we still had. I’ve been feeling this project coming for awhile. Mostly {Read More}