That Time I Gouged Out My Eye: A Wedding Story.

Last weekend, I had a simply awesome time helping my youngest sister pick out a gorgeous wedding dress with friends, my other two sisters, and my Mom. But this post is not about that. Jasper took his very first flight as well, and was a model citizen of the sky. This post is not about that, either. I extended my trip for some much-needed chill time with my Dad and Mom; the former because he needed a high-five from me {Read More}

Keely And The Terrible, Horrible…OW.

Now, I know I’m not exactly a coal miner, nor is it my task to break boulders into smaller boulders…but occasionally, my day devolves into Not Quite So Easy. For example. Did you know that a freshly mopped floor is a magnet for pee? It just is. It begs for the chance to insufficiently catch (an improbable amount of) bodily fluids from a shockingly small person. “It’s been a minute and a half,” the floor seems to say. “I’m bored! {Read More}

Sleep. (Please.)

People have been telling me to enjoy these last two weeks of sleep before the baby comes. People are downright insane. Because I can say- with all honesty- that I’ve never slept this poorly in my entire life. That’s right, folks: my sleep is non-existent even WITHOUT this new kid. And I don’t say this sort of thing lightly. I really don’t. Back in college, when everyone was one-upping each other with brags about how little they’d slept or could get {Read More}

33 Weeks And All’s Well. (Mostly.)

I know what you’re thinking: My, but it’s been a long while since we’ve been updated on Keely’s pregnancy! How is she? Is she gigantic? Do they still really not know what they’re having? Apologies. Okay-ish. Quite gigantic. And nope, gender-surprise-tastic! As of this very moment in time, I’m 33 weeks along. And since I’m going UNDER THE KNIFE at exactly 39 weeks, that leaves 6 more weeks of prenatal bliss. And don’t get me wrong, there are parts that are blissful: feeling {Read More}

Writers Are Just The Worst.

Last night, I had a deadline. More accurately, last Monday I had a deadline. Now, here’s how I generally work on plays:-IdeaIDEAidea, wouldn’t this be fun? (Four months.)-Plot Out The Things What Happen. Bonus- Add some dialogue which, while not truly belonging anywhere, is wicked funny. (One month.)-Freak out about character development and scrap the whole thing. (One month.)-Realize I am left with nothin’. Bring some people/dialogue back. Write more appropriate-to-nothing funny dialogue. (One month, minus two days.)-Pull two all-nighters and {Read More}

I Bet Past Me Is Napping RIGHT NOW.

Being awesome, circa 2006. Back when I was an obnoxious (in a completely different way than I currently am) young twentysomething, cleaning took forever. Forever. Once every two weeks, P.J. and I would do laundry. And we’re talking piles upon piles. We’d maybe do three loads in that one weekend. Sometimes we couldn’t go out until 9 or 10pm because we’d still have dishes to do. And if we had

Ferris Bueller Ain’t Got Nothing On Me.

But I already ATE all the sugar. There comes a point in any illness where high-pitched whines and manic energy overtake any real cold symptoms- excepting, of course, a positively astonishing sea of boogs. Our household reached that point roughly two and a half days ago. That said, there is nothing particularly wrong with today. Except. I find myself possessing less than no desire to wipe or scrub or fold or sort or sanitize anything whatsoever. In fact, it would {Read More}

I’d Kill For That Nursery-Cleaning Mary Poppins Scene.

Stop trying to put away the baby. I have an issue. Rewind for a sec- I have many issues. Okay, fast forward back to where we were: I have one specific issue of which I shall expound upon today. I get overwhelmed easily. And when my level of whelm is through the roof, I become less than pleasant to live with. Take my house, for instance. (Please.) There are very few people who have not heard me whine about keeping {Read More}