Hmm. Awfully muggy for "Fall."

Rearranging the dining room. It is officially Fall. I know this because a) I own a calendar [app], and b) people keep wishing each other a Happy Solstice on Facebook. (What did I DO before Facebook? I’ll tell you- I wrote in a paper journal and called P.J. eighty times a day to tell him hilarious anecdotes. I think we can all agree that Facebook has kickstarted my blogging and saved my marriage.) Also a marriage-saver: Last night P.J. found {Read More}

Bringin’ the issues.

I’ve spent the morning g-chatting with my younger sister Chelly- her weekend was consumed with the taking of the SATs. No, she’s not 18. She’s just a tutor of said test. I can’t imagine accepting any job that would make me relive the longest nine hours of my life (I took it three separate times and got the exact same score. No, I will not tell you what it was. Let’s just say that I was lucky to be such {Read More}

Friends: 0. (Sigh.)

At the risk of sounding like a fourteen year-old girl, I am going to start implementing some changes to my Facebook page. Notably, my “friends.” Notice the quotes. I do not put the quotes around my real friends. (I use my arms!) The former are people whom, if I happened to bump into, would most likely not recognize. My “friends” are people who could care less about my writing, my daughter, my husband, my “dream house” (more quotes!) or status updates regarding {Read More}