Snow, Enya, and Confusing Friends & Family Since 2008.

So, Midwest: This snow thing. Come on. There’s been a slight disconnect lately between anticipated snow and the subsequently unwarranted freak-outs. Having been a resident of Chicago for over a decade now(!) and being in the [poorly plowed] trenches for the majority of those winters, I’d like to remind my neighbors of what snowfall is. And four inches of ground cover within the city proper wouldn’t even have been a blip three years ago. You call this snow? For example, during {Read More}

In Dog Years It’s A Lot Longer.

We look so, so awesome in this picture. To my darling, patient, better-than-I-sometimes-deserve but always-exactly-what-I-need husband on our fourth anniversary… Nothing has changed yet everything has changed and I wouldn’t change a thing. (Except for maybe one or two teensy things regarding our homestead.) But let’s review those crazy ol’ vows, shall we? When I said “for better,” I was most likely talking about Sunday mornings with our daughters, the paper, a questionable amount of bacon, and one of your stellar mixes {Read More}

Back to reality…and the inflatable giraffe pool.

Happy Day After Memorial Day, everyone! Or, to The Monkey, Happy 21 weeks. To Peej- Happy Day Back At Work… And to me, Happy Oh My God, There’s A Lot Of Laundry Here- and How Long Was That Sippy Cup Stuck Under The Passenger Seat, Anyway Day. (Observed.) Some weekend highlights: Family, naps, pooltime, Skyline cheese coneys, miniature people in sundresses, multiple improbable yet highly successful mammoth group photos, a stunning black tie wedding, dancing with my husband…and other people’s {Read More}

Don’t Mind If I Do.

Jared and P.J. were there, too. (See what I did there? I do? Get it- weddings? Ah HAH. Marriage humor.) So Peej and I have just returned from Napa and the glorious wedding of our two pals, Annie and Jared. Here are some summed-up highlights (for to give each terrific day the review it truly deserves would cause Blogger to wonder if they should charge me more): Our bed and breakfast, the Wine Way Inn, was RAD. We stayed in the {Read More}