Spring Fever Is Darn Near Killing Me.

It’d be great if you’d point thatcamera somewhere else, yeah? I may be the first person to actually be driven insane by spring fever. My normal state of being is fairly tightly wound. I’m cheerful and playful, but I’m also borderline OCD. (Undiagnosed, actually, so there’s a rather good chance they’d be all like- borderline? You are textbook. A neatly bound textbook, placed alphabetically and color-coordinatedly in a descending size row.) These orderly tendencies keep me firmly planted in the {Read More}

Ferris Bueller Ain’t Got Nothing On Me.

But I already ATE all the sugar. There comes a point in any illness where high-pitched whines and manic energy overtake any real cold symptoms- excepting, of course, a positively astonishing sea of boogs. Our household reached that point roughly two and a half days ago. That said, there is nothing particularly wrong with today. Except. I find myself possessing less than no desire to wipe or scrub or fold or sort or sanitize anything whatsoever. In fact, it would {Read More}

Keely Is A Grubby Grub From Grubville.

I used to rock it. Sure, it was my wedding, but… This is getting to be a problem. Now, I enjoy a good pair of sweatpants as much as the next gal…but the time has come to kibosh. Sure, I had a baby five weeks ago and absolutely, whatever I wear WILL be covered in glitter and squashed blueberries by the end of the day…but that’s really no [long-term] excuse. I’ve gotten lazy. Not about the childcare, laundry, energetic toddler activities {Read More}

Best. Résumé. Ever.

I [try to] make it a habit to not mock people. Truly. But every now and again, something simply amazing crosses one’s desk. Namely mine. And even though I cannot say whose impressive stats these are- nor how I received this gem- I felt that I had to share. I give you Julia:  But Keely, you say. That’s nearly impossible to read! I know. Apparently in whatever region of the world in which this chick resides, the mimeograph machine is still {Read More}