I shouldn’t be allowed in church at all (an allergic Advent story)

Despite recent events, I generally consider myself a responsible human being and pretty good at things like functioning in society. When it comes to my kids, that is. As for me? Apparently I have all of the self-preservation of a blindfolded lemming. The other morning, we took the kids to church. At 7:45am. (It was the only early English-speaking mass and it’s literally less than a block north of our home, so it’s more doable than it seems on paper.) {Read More}

#RiseUp, a.k.a. Time to go back to church

In today’s tale of… #BestLife questionable parenting moments …We have a quote from the one and only, five year-old, establishment-smashing child of mine. From the backseat of the car this morning, Suzy piped up with a question. “Mom? Do all churches have pictures of Jesus?” Knowing this was Suzy, and knowing that was not the real question she was asking, I paused for a second. “Well, Christian churches do.” “All?” “I think so, sweetheart.” “So, none have pictures of Alexander Hamilton?” {Read More}