Politically cheated, globally exhausted.

Politically cheated. Sometimes I feel cheated. Specifically, I feel politically cheated. But hear me out as to why. I never planned on being eyeballs-deep into American policies and relations and amendments and candidates with- jeebus– horrific skeletons in their Terrible Person closets. Don’t get me wrong- civics class was fun. I wrote a pen pal letter to Chelsea Clinton in 1992. Heck, touring the FBI’s headquarters in D.C. was a highlight of my nerdy, nerdy, in-love-with-Mulder youth. But otherwise? I {Read More}

The issues: Cats, walkouts, and pain pills

So, the issues: I’m fairly resentful of this administration for many, many things, but topping the list today is the overwhelming feeling that posting/liking/thinking about fluffy, fun things isn’t quite as acceptable during weeks where there are shootings/nationwide protests/general unrest. (<—You know, like every week.) And sometimes I want to post about fluffy, fun things and not feel like I’m turning a blind eye to the hordes of issues demanding near-constant attention. Especially when… Today is our cats’ 14th birthdays. Those {Read More}

Big Feelings. (AKA, It’s a cold, rainy day.)

Today is a day of big feelings. Like, really big feelings. And horrid weather. (Related? Probably.) Today is March 1st, and in three days it’ll be March 4th, and I am trying- I am so trying- to march forth. (Hopefully three days lead time will be enough. I may need to stretch.) *** Happy birthday, Rog. I just heard on the radio that today is Roger Daltrey’s birthday (happy birthday!) and so, in his honor, they weren’t going to play {Read More}

Today. (Is Hard.)

Today. Today is a day where I want to keep the blankets firmly (and warmly) over my head. Today also happens to be a day where that most likely will not happen. Today is a day where I had intended to write a sweetly sentimental piece about toddlerhood, and how hard it is- because, ohmygoodness, it is SO HARD- and for every moment that folks implore you to not blink n’ miss it, you have another moment where you’d sell {Read More}

Shootings. And what to do.

The other day I posted a thing on Facebook. It was right after this past weekend’s awful shooting in Texas. (Which- ha, is kind of a rookie mistake, since Facebook has pretty much become an insulated bubble where peeps preach to likeminded peeps and we all agree that we’re all doing a pretty great job. Which is nice, but ultimately not as far-reaching as one might hope.) So, I’m sharing it here, where my hopes for further dialogue and answers (and {Read More}