
Oh, my dearest boy. Today you are six. Today you are home sick. (Today you are home and really sick. So we’ll keep this one short-ish, yeah? Yeah.) Last night before bed you informed me that you were going to wake up in the morning and, first thing, look in the mirror. Because you knew what to look for. A certain “six” mentality, maybe, or another inch of Big Kid growth. Your Dad read you a book and, upon its {Read More}

My goal for 2020? To take care of others- and myself

Exactly one year ago, I weighed 117 pounds. I was in severe pain; my belly, my ribs, my brain. For a month, nothing was “officially” wrong. Blood tests were fine, organ functions were skipping along, and- if you disregarded the fact that I couldn’t eat a thing- my doctors assured me that I was all good. I would wake up in in the middle of the night, weeping, panic gripping my chest, the knowledge that I was actually dying keeping {Read More}

My least- and most- ambitious word for 2019

You’ve seen ’em, right? Everybody with their shiny, hashtag-worthy word for 2019. Like, #achieve or #love or #pony. (Hey, a girl can #hope, right? Also, why doesn’t anyone ever keep it real with a word like #cheese or #nap?) In the past few years, my words have been about career growth, writerly encouragement, and other money-making, soul-enriching kinda stuff. Good stuff, really. But then I started feeling not-so great towards the end of last year. And, as anyone who’s felt {Read More}

Writing. Or, why I bother.

I’ve missed writing. I’ve missed writing a brain-splat of wordy words and half-formed feelings and one-liners that, really, don’t fit quite right anywhere else. Slices of life and sweet, tiny little memories I panic about forgetting (like, “2am, covered in sweat” panicking), and the sort of written proof that I was here and most decidedly more than a chauffeur or shoe-finder in this season of life. Which is why I’m writing again in this space. Which is also why I’m {Read More}

The issues: Cats, walkouts, and pain pills

So, the issues: I’m fairly resentful of this administration for many, many things, but topping the list today is the overwhelming feeling that posting/liking/thinking about fluffy, fun things isn’t quite as acceptable during weeks where there are shootings/nationwide protests/general unrest. (<—You know, like every week.) And sometimes I want to post about fluffy, fun things and not feel like I’m turning a blind eye to the hordes of issues demanding near-constant attention. Especially when… Today is our cats’ 14th birthdays. Those {Read More}

Cold & flu & terror & the apocalypse

I’m terrified of cold and flu season. …But I’m not terrified of colds and the flu for the reasons you might expect. (Unexpected Illness Terror: a book of contemplative poetry by Keely Flynn, coming soon.) I mean, there’s plenty to be afraid of. Kids throwing up is gross. Body aches and sinus pain make you regret life choices, like choosing to have a life where you catch the flu. And, at least in this news cycle, this is the worst {Read More}

3 marvelous companies for wellness this year

Disclosure: It’s wellness and self-care season, you guys. Although I’m compensated for this post, all thoughts, opinions, and aggressively sustaining practices are entirely my own. (Unless one of you suggested the whole “sleep more” thing to me. Then, thank you.)  *** Boy-o, who could use a handy guide to help get you through cold n’ flu season, lack of sunlight season, and…whatever you can even call this political season? I hear you. It’s no secret that I get to try {Read More}

West Nile, 4 weeks in.

Hi, everyone! It’s me, your neighborhood Typhoid Mary (who, j/k, isn’t actually contagious in the slightest because- again- I’m not a mosquito). But it’s me! Kind of. It’s hard to see past these layers of under eye-concealer and blankets wrapped around my noggin. Picture Jacob Marley. If Jacob Marley didn’t look quite so well-rested. Also- hey! Guys! An alarming number of you read the previous post’s title and laughed like, “Oh man, West Nile. You must be feeling SICK. How’s {Read More}