
“Mom, you’ve been using that word a lot lately,” Suzy told me. And she was right. Without even noticing how often I had been uttering that verb, I had decided to “recalibrate” holiday plans (due to extended fam illness) and “recalibrate” how and when we went about our Must Do traditions. I recalibrated how much food I really had to cook, and recalibrated how little I could get away doing before I descended into a pile of anxious lists and {Read More}

A metaphor. (And trying really hard.)

Can we talk metaphors for a second? This week has been a big ol’ metaphor and, as everybody knows, February is the metaphor of the calendar year, and I’m fairly sure you’re asking yourself right about now if this gal is even secure on the definition of “metaphor.” Stick with me, here. So, the other day, I needed to return some library books for the fam. About 20 of them. It was torrentially raining and I wasn’t much feeling like {Read More}