Declan, meet Media.

The Flynn/Grant/Schoeny clans have been abuzz with their newest addition: Mr. Declan Seamus Grant, born June 30th at 3:06pm, 9lbs and 4oz, 21in long. (Are you hearing this, Nora Jane? I guarantee you guys will be wearing the same hoodie at the Cape.) He joins big bros Quinn Sawyer and Cole Sebastian- and of course my big sis Kate and her ‘Let’s Have A Lacrosse Team’ husband Tom. We are so stoked to meet our newest little guy- Nora’s first “little” {Read More}

It’s a very real issue.

Oh, this is good. Remember my investigative journalism regarding Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel? (That’s right, I linked back to my earlier post. It was that informative.) So. We were watching TV the other night and a commercial came on- and it asked me if I hated that chafing feeling. I turned to P.J., perhaps a little too excited. It began in a crazy animated way, with cartooned, dancey figurines having trouble with, you know, walking and other thigh issues. Then- oh, then– {Read More}

The issues seriously do not stop coming.

Bananaversaries are wonderful. And, for the uninitiated- i.e., anyone I’m not directly related to and/or folks that don’t have to endure my lax take on the English language- I once gave my sister and bro in-law a card with two dancing bananas. Okay, they may not have been dancing. But they were celebrating an anniversary. Hence, bananaversary. And that is the only acceptable word for which to describe a milestone in Chez Schoeny. (And Flynn. And Grant.) So, the bananaverse {Read More}

Enjoy while ya can!

This might just be my favorite new billboard- and that’s saying a ton– courtesy of my big sis Kate: Oh, Pittsfield. Thank you for your stellar advertising skillz. Let’s dissect, shall we? Happy birthday, Margaret! One hundred years…wow! That’s certainly something to…wait a sec. Who did you say was sponsoring this? Devanny Condron? The funeral home? Well, enjoy it now, Margaret. As Kate said- “Devanny Condron is waiting for you.” Now, personally, I’d like to be feted by sugar free Red {Read More}

I much prefer The Pogues.

The Ides of March. Wow. This is kinda serious, as far as days go. I suppose. Also, it’s my cats’ sixth birthday, so for me it’s not so much a bad luck day as it is an awesome celebratory pet day. Happy birthday, Ender and Beanie! Tuna in smallish dishes for days! (Or for exactly one meal!) Yesterday was Pi Day, you know, 3.14- blahdiblahblahnumbers. But as I am married to a man with the symbol for pi tattooed on his shoulder blade, {Read More}

Two weeks. Gosh, that sounds definite.

I’ve been watching a lot of television lately. I have little to no energy left to renovate or get the house baby-ready at the end of a workday (my new mindset: the baby can sleep on me. Here, throw me that towel.) Between episodes of Ghost Whisperer wherein I cry like my arm is being broken off at the shoulder (I don’t know where this new obsession is coming from- I never used to watch ‘ion: positively entertaining’ tv) and {Read More}

Are they trying to intimidate me?

Well, I needn’t have been worried. With the end of Great Expectations (the class, not the book- I finished that in ’96) I feared that my baby saga would no longer be funny- or, worse yet, no longer bring up relevant and timely pregnancy ads on my sidebar. (Have you noticed them? I get maybe an eighth of a cent every time you use one. Click click, people!) As it turns out, being pregnant is still SO MUCH FUN that {Read More}