June Date: Wait A Sec, REALLY?!

So on Friday night, P.J. had an awesome Date Night planned for us. It was a surprise n’ everything. (For the newcomers, P.J.’s Christmas present to me was a year of cool date nights, highlighting and celebrating everything we say we love about living in Chicago…but somehow never find time to do.) The date he had chosen for June was an evening at Hollywood Beach. (It’s a really, really nice beach traditionally frequented by a largely gay population- meaning that it’s {Read More}

Father’s Day, Benders, And Quality Time.

I realize that I’m a tad belated in my Father’s Day post- but a lot has been happening ’round here. Per ejemplo, Peej kicked off his Father’s Day weekend a little early with a Friday night pre-bachelor party bachelor party for one of his best friends. And since this is a family blog, I won’t tell you what time he fumbled with the lock/poked at the security system/faceplanted downstairs- nor what condition he was in. (Side note to our mothers: {Read More}

We Are All So Very Tired. And Dreaming About Grout.

Last night, I was awakened at 3am by a smallish person, excitedly telling me about dreams and stories and silly things. Well, I had to take her word for it because frankly, I wasn’t finding her jive all that hilarious. But she’s usually pretty spot on with these things, so I’ll trust her that it was all very funny. Anyway, the 3 year-old didn’t wake me from the soundest sleep. At the time of her arrival in our bed, I {Read More}

The Perfect Day (Doesn’t Exist).

“No, please, tell me more about your Plan For The Day.” Some mornings I wake up with A Plan. And I know exactly how the day will unfold: I’ll finally finish that scene. That one that’s kinda holding back the progress of this, the latest draft of twenty for this godforsaken play, and it will All Make Sense. (The success of this show, of course, will catapult me into crazy Financial Comfort. Because let’s be honest: I really don’t want {Read More}

I’m Sorry, WHAT Was A Weekend?

What do you mean, you need to “shower?” On Friday night, Nora threw up. (Alllll over P.J.) And as we cleaned her- and the kitchen, and the tub, and ourselves- up, I wondered…was this what Friday night had become? Two consecutive Friday nights with undigested pasta, boiling hot faces, and people screaming every two hours… This is the worst discotheque I’ve ever attended. Saturday brought

Sick Day/Night/Weekend.

…And then there are the nights when your youngest child wakes up simply covered from head to toe in vomit. (And you fail to realize this for a goodly ten minutes, seeing as you and your husband- both hanging out on different floors- thought that the other one got her. This, in particular, makes you feel like a special kind of monster.) When you [finally] see your drenched, shivering, and

New Rules For A Less Crabby Me.

I’m just gonna crawl over there and put dirt in that corner. I’ve come to a realization. A realization I had about a year ago. And a year prior to that one. But one which never fully sinks in. Nothing ever really is done, is it? Sure, you could go all meta and philosophical on this one, but I’m asking it in a very ephemeral, here-and-now kinda way: Why do I feel the need to finish things before I can be nice to {Read More}

I’m Worse Than Honey Boo-Boo’s Mom.

Oh sure, now you’re smiling. I’m ready to pick up my Mother Of The Year badge now. (And sash. There used to be a sash, right? I haven’t won for a while.) The other day, Susannah’s agent called. (Just let that one sink in for a sec. I worked my butt off for years to secure a commercial agent…only to have him go to prison for embezzlement just after my first commercial aired…but that’s currently neither here nor there. My point is {Read More}