A Case Of The Mondays.

Due to Birthday Month, Halloween week, classroom parties galore, a snowstorm on Trick or Treat, a few minor cases of the sniffles, Daylight Savings Time, and the hotly argued arrival of the Halloween Witch*(?!) who came and took the rest of the household candy, this is the atmosphere ’round my home this fine Monday morning. Happy Monday morning, everyone. *P.J. completely made up the concept of the Halloween Witch**, who removes candy from the homes of smallish children who repeatedly {Read More}

Tapping Out.

This is a post to let people know that I’m not writing a post today. I’m tapping out, tagging a buddy, and essentially waiting for a be-Spandexed wrestler to climb through the ropes and take her place at my laptop. Let me explain. I found myself fantasizing about taking a “mental health day,” a term that friends with out-of-the-house jobs bandy around (and subsequently make me froth at the mouth with envy/improperly rinsed toothpaste). But when I realized that I {Read More}

Sleep Training (Trains The Parents To Never Sleep Again).

There have been a lot of transitions lately: From a family with two kids to a family with three. From a kiddo in a crib to a kiddo in a toddler bed. From a newborn who clipped along at a steady pace to a baby with the need to nurse and/or say hi every fifteen minutes throughout the evening. And the transition from a relatively normal Mama to a drooling, hilariously exhausted one. So we implemented new stuff: new bedtime routines, {Read More}

Mother Of The Year, Hiding Under A Blanket.

And then there are the days where it seems like just too much work to get the kids dressed- so you don’t- and then you spend the rest of the day feeling guilty because there’s this societal ideal that people should be dressed and coordinated at all times, even if they’re not going outside (except for that one, “quick” errand), and there you go. You’ve started the day off on the Guilty Foot. It progresses to the point where you actually {Read More}

Aversion To Reality: Television Edition.

Sunday evening, 9:44pm: Jasper stared me in the eye, opened his mouth wide in recognition, and gave me his first real I am so thrilled you’re here smile. 9:44:07pm: It hit me- not for the first time- that I was stupidly in love with this little boy. 9:44:15pm: Jasper, still smiling, turned his head to the side and spit up an impressive amount of his last feeding. 9:44:19pm: Checked in with self- still stupid, still in love. In other news, a.k.a. {Read More}

Chiberia, Sleep Deprivation, And Utter Joy.

Lovely frozen people of the world (and if you happen to be in a balmy clime, I’m sorta gonna need you to keep it to thyself for the next week): I hadn’t intended to blog only two-ish weeks into my “maternity leave” (hahaha), but decided to do so for a few reasons. Namely, I missed blogging. And you guys. And sharing simply crucial minutiae. (Incidentally, Crucial Minutiae would be an exceptional name for a book of essays, no?) Also, my {Read More}

5 Things I Managed Yesterday.

Yesterday was one of those rather hard days. Nothing was particularly devastating, but I’d be hard-pressed to name the things I felt I did well. However, I’ll try: 5. I made the bed. We’re not talking hospital corners and starched sheets, here, but I definitely pulled the sheets up and fluffed the pillows and removed smallish board books from underneath the covers. 4. The children were fed throughout the day. Veggie and fruit options were in abundance. They were even {Read More}

Reports From The Front. (On Their Sides.)

Thankfully, everyone’s feeling much better around here. Unfortunately, this is what the aftermath looks like: You’d think I’d appreciate the whole “staying put” and “not climbing the bookshelves” thing. But the truth is- when they’re this worn out, I kinda find myself longing for a good ol’ fashioned Chair Topplin’. Remind me of this next week, yeah?