That “Hang In There, Kitten” Poster Was On To Something.

There’s this idea that mothers- and, especially, mothers to many- are (or aspire to be) multitasking, Martha Stewart-esque, model citizens. Sometimes it’s true. And sometimes, as with any job, it’s just not true. Not even a little bit. At all. Lately, I’ve been hearing from strangers a lot of (earnest? Politely conversational?) how do you DO it all? (Disclaimer: This is not a humblebrag, nor is it a self-congratulatory pat on the back at my daily successes. What’s the opposite {Read More}

That Time I Gouged Out My Eye: A Wedding Story.

Last weekend, I had a simply awesome time helping my youngest sister pick out a gorgeous wedding dress with friends, my other two sisters, and my Mom. But this post is not about that. Jasper took his very first flight as well, and was a model citizen of the sky. This post is not about that, either. I extended my trip for some much-needed chill time with my Dad and Mom; the former because he needed a high-five from me {Read More}

That Time I Crashed Into The Preschool Pickup Lane.

You know how people are always accusing bloggers of only putting their best selves forward? I am rarely that blogger. This week, I am superbly not that blogger. The past few days can be summed up in nouns: Distraction, depression, exhaustion, nerves, endorphins, irritation, frustration, fear, pride, maternal adoration, and snackiness. So yeah, my dance card was slightly full. But as I was prepping for Tuesday night’s show (and why I thought I’d be any good at speaking in front {Read More}

Internet Stalking: Magazine Edition.

I have a confession to make. I’m being stalked. By a magazine. Now, I don’t know what I did to attract the attentions of this certain magazine. I’ve never given them any indication that I was their target demographic. I’ve never clicked through on an online link. And I certainly have never subscribed to the darned thing.  And the worst part? It’s not Martha Stewart Living. It’s not Vogue. (It’s not even Teen Vogue.) It’s Taste of Home Magazine. And they {Read More}

33 Weeks And All’s Well. (Mostly.)

I know what you’re thinking: My, but it’s been a long while since we’ve been updated on Keely’s pregnancy! How is she? Is she gigantic? Do they still really not know what they’re having? Apologies. Okay-ish. Quite gigantic. And nope, gender-surprise-tastic! As of this very moment in time, I’m 33 weeks along. And since I’m going UNDER THE KNIFE at exactly 39 weeks, that leaves 6 more weeks of prenatal bliss. And don’t get me wrong, there are parts that are blissful: feeling {Read More}

Failure To Communicate: Postal Service Edition.

You guys think I’m exaggerating the Brain Leakage Through The Eyeballs situation over here? “She can’t possibly be that braindead/exhausted/moronic,” you say? Behold: This is an actual letter that was placed in the mailbox, complete with postage and (thankfully) return address. No city. No state. Not even a street number for those pesky “context clues.” Hey, Rachel- I clearly sent you a letter, why haven’t you responded?! I have Le Shame.

Staying Mindful [Is Impossible].

I work so hard at mindfulness. At remaining fully present. And not mentally jumping ahead to whatever comes next/tomorrow/down the road/I wonder what flights look like for the winter? I work really hard at this during my Pilates class because a) mindfulness is a major tenet ofpracticing Pilates, b) it’s such a luxury for me to even be able to sneak away at 6pm on a Wednesday evening, c) Good Lord, if I can manage to find forty-five minutes here then why is {Read More}

GIRLFRIEND Had A Stellar Opening Weekend, And I Can Exhale.

This weekend’s premiere of Girlfriend was insane. As in, I nearly lost my mind. I had been bandying this play around (in my brain, on paper, to the occasional passerby) since 2008, but had really been hammering out drafts in earnest since last summer. In essence, this play was my baby. My colicky, allergic, and stranger-phobic baby. And the idea that this baby was going off to be seen and