This Whole Vending Machine’s Out Of Order!

I object. This past Friday, I was called to perform an extremely important duty. In an instant (after checking the hotline at 4:30pm, CST) I became Keely: Juror.  I did not take this job lightly. (Most likely because I was stoked beyond belief to get to ride solo on a train, read a book, and potentially use the bathroom by myself at some point during the day.) Here is how I prepared for my Big Day O’ Juroring:-I showered.-I ate {Read More}

Green Means Fun, Darnit!

Sorry, Zuzu, it’s picture time. This was the best summer holiday I’ve ever had for St. Patrick’s Day. Because it was ninety degrees outside. (I did, however, have a momentary fear for all of the revelers. Irish holiday plus Saturday plus downright 4th of July weather conditions? Happy, drunken, glittery folks being swept downstream in the Chicago river. Wearing skimpy tops proclaiming bold statements. Perhaps even singing.) Our festivities were way more low-key. It would be hard not to be. (Even {Read More}

Hint- If You Give Nora A Sip, Don’t Expect It Back.

We’re heading back to Chicago in a little bit- and you’ll all be thrilled to know that I forgot only the barest minimum of necessities. We made do. (Although Nora might beg to differ, as one of the forgotten items was her hair detangler spray, and Miss Nimbus had to suffer through plain ol’ conditioner and combing and yelling.) As time is of the essence, the car is not even remotely packed, and I’m not entirely certain where Susannah is, {Read More}

Now you’re thinking about the taco spoon, aren’t you?

There’s something quite special about waking up on a Monday morning- and feeling like you’re already way behind. Here’s the problem: On the weekends, I like to play this game called I Have No Responsibility. It’s true. I don’t know where this bad habit came from. I’ve never in my life had more to do on the weekends and have never been better at disregarding it. It’s strange. Most weekend mornings, Peej and Nora let me sleep in ’til the 7 {Read More}


Sundays are fabulous. Sunday mornings at my house are a study in perfection. Seriously. A glimpse, if you will: 7:45am: Nora rolls to her side and pokes me in the face until I wake up. (Yes, DCFS, she still sleeps with us in the mornings. Please do not remove her from our home- she has tons of things here.) When I do wake up, she gives me an appreciative grin that makes me wonder why I didn’t wake up hours {Read More}