October Date: Public Radio & Copious Amounts Of Sugar.

I know I say this a lot… …But yesterday, Peej really knocked October’s Date Night outta the park, what with his at times-irksome habit of knowing me maddeningly well. He took me to the Chef Battle: Dessert Edition- an NPR-sponsored event with crazy dessert tasting stations from some simply amazing Chicago restaurants (and plenty of palate-cleansing stations with cheese and nuts and…pulled pork sliders) and an open bar (sigh). Here’s what we devoured: Clockwise, from top left: Hong Kong milk {Read More}

September Date: Loitering In Logan Square.

September’s Date Night took us to Logan Square- which is located roughly 15 blocks south of us on the same street. (‘Cause there’s something to be said about not having the entirety of the Date Night consist of the commute.) We started out at the stellar City Lit bookstore- a place where, upon walking in, I needed to buy roughly half of their shelved stock. That mystery I’ve been dying to read. The last in that [slightly embarrassing] series I’ve been desperate {Read More}

August Date: Photo Scavenger Hunt (And Marshmallows).

Oh my word, BONUS BLOG, y’all. This post is brought to you by the letter P for Procrastination (last day of August, friends!), and by the number 11…meaning I’ve now resided in Chicago for that many years. So this month’s date was superbly special, as it highlighted things I reallyreallyreally love about this city. Let’s begin: On Monday night of this past week, we had a mini date. (We didn’t think the full date would happen this month and decided {Read More}

July Date: Dinner And A Movie, Part 2.

(To catch up on last month’s Oh God, At Least We Tried date, clickyroo here.) Back in the day, I went on a date with a boy. He was sweet and funny and just awesome to be around. We held hands across a sparkly shellacked table. And it was one of those dates where both parties were just giddy with the potential potential, you know? I ordered a special pizzadilla (eggplant, caramelized onion, and goat cheese quesadilla pizza), and he ordered {Read More}

June Date: Wait A Sec, REALLY?!

So on Friday night, P.J. had an awesome Date Night planned for us. It was a surprise n’ everything. (For the newcomers, P.J.’s Christmas present to me was a year of cool date nights, highlighting and celebrating everything we say we love about living in Chicago…but somehow never find time to do.) The date he had chosen for June was an evening at Hollywood Beach. (It’s a really, really nice beach traditionally frequented by a largely gay population- meaning that it’s {Read More}

Father’s Day, Benders, And Quality Time.

I realize that I’m a tad belated in my Father’s Day post- but a lot has been happening ’round here. Per ejemplo, Peej kicked off his Father’s Day weekend a little early with a Friday night pre-bachelor party bachelor party for one of his best friends. And since this is a family blog, I won’t tell you what time he fumbled with the lock/poked at the security system/faceplanted downstairs- nor what condition he was in. (Side note to our mothers: {Read More}

April Date: Folk Music And Empanadas And No Falling Asleep.

With all of the madness and world events and still jet-lagged children, I wasn’t sure we’d manage a Date Night this month. However, P.J. wasn’t about to end his streak o’ dately awesome since Christmas– and surprised me with tickets to see Hem at The Old Town School of Folk Music. (Which, if y’all locals haven’t managed to see a show there, do it. ‘Cause it’s the loveliest.) Hem, a terrific folk band, hasn’t toured in about six years and is now promoting {Read More}

Mini Kitchen Makeover, Part 2, AKA P.J. Gets Out The Power Tools.

You guys. Turns out, getting parts of your kitchen remodeled (and then repeatedly walking in and out of said room) is better than waking up to check your stocking or Easter basket or Valentine envelope or birthday table pile (what?) in terms of Immediate Gratification Awesome Feelings. Last week we got these ridonk cabinets resurfaced. This week? Oh my word, QUARTZ COUNTERTOPS. Let’s review what we had been working with: Man oh man, those cabinets are purty. That counter is {Read More}