A Round-Up In Pictures. (And Love.)

Pals, today I’m gonna skip the usual round-up of writin’s (except to say that Chicago peeps should really check out this MSI giveaway- ending tonight!) and give you the round-up of pix which thoroughly define this week. So. Pix Which Thoroughly Define This Week: Someone is enjoying his food. And is preeeeeetty proud of himself. (FYI, this picture sorta encapsulates every dinnertime…and room where food could possibly be served…and at least nine outfits.) On Saturday, I celebrated six years of {Read More}

Sleep Training (Trains The Parents To Never Sleep Again).

There have been a lot of transitions lately: From a family with two kids to a family with three. From a kiddo in a crib to a kiddo in a toddler bed. From a newborn who clipped along at a steady pace to a baby with the need to nurse and/or say hi every fifteen minutes throughout the evening. And the transition from a relatively normal Mama to a drooling, hilariously exhausted one. So we implemented new stuff: new bedtime routines, {Read More}

A Recap (And Some Dad Love).

This morning, Nora just about exploded with pride and gleeful excitement as she got ready for school. Why? Oh, no big deal, just the fact that her Dad was gonna be the room parent today. (“Remember to introduce Dad to your friends, Nora.” “Oh, I don’t need to do that- everyone knows MY DAD.”) It made me think back to when my Dad was the field trip chaperone, and what crazy-terrific days those were. (I mean, it was MY DAD. {Read More}

The Secret To Valentine’s Day.

I’ve had some pretty spectacular Valentine’s Days in the past. Romantic ones. Quiet ones. Ones where the evening cost way too much money, and others where it barely cost a dime. Thusly, I kinda consider myself an expert. And as such, I’ve figured out the perfect formula: Have more than one Valentine with whom to spend the day. I actually have four. They all celebrate with me in very different ways- although none of them particularly ascribe to the diamonds {Read More}

December Date: Christmas Ambiance & Jammies.

For this month’s date night, I knew P.J. had big plans. Huge. Because nothing says Let’s Paint The Town like a 38 Week pregnant wife. So after we got the girls off to sleep, we settled into our lovely, non-toy-crazy living room (with the tree and non-kid decorations)…and sat there. It was lovely. We ordered food from a terrific little Middle Eastern place up the street…and may have overdone it: kufta and shawarma sandwiches, grape leaves, baba ghanouj, kibbeh (deep-fried {Read More}


There’s so much to be thankful for. Even though I cannot- for the life of me- manage those daily posts about gratitude. (Perhaps it entirely defeats the purpose, but the idea of adding one more mandatory task to my to-do list fills me with twitches. Happy Thanksgiving!) But I can manage the occasional happy-go-lucky post…and I hope [the curmudgeons amongst] you can manage to read it without eye-rollage. Let’s begin. I am so grateful for my friends; here in Chicago, in {Read More}

Nesting (And Other Ways To Wreck A Marriage).

We got a lot accomplished this weekend. P.J. might add that a couple of those items are things like “pull every muscle in one’s husband’s body” and “scrub things you’d forgotten existed in the house.” On Friday night, I woke up around 1:30am in a bit of a panic. (Well, we woke when Zu started calling out for us- a weeklong new fad wherein she spikes a temp and babbles incoherently at us for the better part of an hour. {Read More}

33 Weeks And All’s Well. (Mostly.)

I know what you’re thinking: My, but it’s been a long while since we’ve been updated on Keely’s pregnancy! How is she? Is she gigantic? Do they still really not know what they’re having? Apologies. Okay-ish. Quite gigantic. And nope, gender-surprise-tastic! As of this very moment in time, I’m 33 weeks along. And since I’m going UNDER THE KNIFE at exactly 39 weeks, that leaves 6 more weeks of prenatal bliss. And don’t get me wrong, there are parts that are blissful: feeling {Read More}