Someone Bring Me A Dustmop. Or A Pillow.

Putting on brass knuckles. I should not be left to my own devices. This includes all of the times where Nora is napping, I am caught up on household dirtiness, writing deadlines are breezed through, and P.J. is off doing something P.J.-like (i.e., watching Mad Men, showering, or building a door frame). What, you ask? There are times when all of these forces align and you find yourself with free pockets of the day, gaps of the afternoon and/or early {Read More}

He’ll Be The Prettiest Of Them All!

Why do you need another? Before we continue on to The Pressing Issues, I’d like to acknowledge that I’m just as sick of the pregnancy talk as you are. Maybe even moreso, since I’ve got the pregnancy thought and the pregnancy insomnia. What I wouldn’t give for a good anecdote from the club. (It doesn’t MATTER which club- so long as there’s a decent bar special and a questionable DJ.) That said, as I am 33 days away from having another {Read More}

What A Guy.

Home sweet miniature home. And Now… A Love Letter To My Husband To Thank Him For His Endless Works O’ Awesome (A.K.A A Very Public Plea To NOT Leave His Increasingly Insane Wife)- Dear P.J.: You are terrific. Really. No, wait, lift your head back up out of your coffee mug/desk/computer screen- this’ll be worth it. You are so incredibly tolerant and so incredibly choosy with your words. Specifically the cuss ones when you think Nora/our unborn child will hear {Read More}

This Is How I Nest.

Mama, please stop being a Nut. Just shy of six weeks until this kiddo makes his or her Monkey debut. Sounds like a ton of time, right? Sure, if you’re a sane being. Which- in all fairness- I must not have been to get pregnant so soon after my daughter’s first birthday knowing full well that the end of this pregnancy would align with multiple heat waves. But that’s nothin’ compared to my recent jaunts from reality. Last night, right before {Read More}

But Nothing Will Stop Me From Over-Sugaring My Toddler!

Pos’sicle. This weekend was nuts. Not because we left Chicago during rush hour- which we did- to spend a day and a half in Cincinnati, allowing ourselves the privilege of multiple hours along Indiana’s most scenic of highways (also true). And not because it was our first free weekend without overnight guests since early June- which was also strangely true. (What is the allure, people? We have no central A/C and are asleep on the couch as soon as NJ {Read More}

The Only Thing To Fear Is A 20lb Baby.

Abandoned. Pregnancy dreams are rotten. For the past two nights, I’ve had some doozies. Now- granted- I’ve been having extraordinarily vivid dreams since I was a little kid (they used to be nightmares, but now that I’ve “grown up” and kinda had FEAR redefined…the dreams just seem harmlessly freaky in retrospect. Although the recurring one I’ve had about someone screaming at me in train tunnel- since I was four– still qualifies). But these are pretty nitro. Two nights ago, I {Read More}

And no baby classes this time, either!

A good friend of ours (and neighbor! Like real people who have neighbor friends!) recently lent me his copies of Brain Age 2 and The Curious Village for the Nintendo DS. This is timely. As someone who cannot for a day lapse on the staving off o’ dementia, not to mention the much-debated Preggo Brain (’cause as much as I hate to rely on hormonal excuses, I showed up for work last month sans diapers and/or milk. For a  ten {Read More}

Strangely, True Blood did not play into the dream AT ALL.

There was a fountain here a sec ago. Emma and Dan have left. Boo. However, we no longer have 8,000 glasses, cups, and mugs in/on the sink/ dishwasher/ countertops. (Flynn girls pride themselves on hydration.) No one is making me laugh like a loon by announcing “Hey, brotherrr” (a la Arrested Development) every time someone enters the room. But then again, no is giving me palpitations by making me wonder what train stop they’re taking home/if the alarm is properly {Read More}