Best Birth Control On The Market.

Great story, Mom. Let me set the stage for you. Nora, having recently begun the whole All Underwear, All The Time show, was having a hit or miss kinda morning. That said, by 9am I had already sanitized everything on which a little bum could fit. (Because, the sad reality is this: Potty training a two year-old is awfully akin to chasing an incontinent velociraptor.) Susannah, for her part, had been constipated for two days. And was covered with mashed {Read More}

Ferris Bueller Ain’t Got Nothing On Me.

But I already ATE all the sugar. There comes a point in any illness where high-pitched whines and manic energy overtake any real cold symptoms- excepting, of course, a positively astonishing sea of boogs. Our household reached that point roughly two and a half days ago. That said, there is nothing particularly wrong with today. Except. I find myself possessing less than no desire to wipe or scrub or fold or sort or sanitize anything whatsoever. In fact, it would {Read More}

Sick. But not the way the cool kids say it.

Go lay down, Keely. Who didn’t see this one coming? I got le sick. Nora so generously gave me her cold- and it mutated into a special blend of adult yuck, fatigue x a trillion, and the whinies. I know that, in the past, I’ve made fun of certain gentlemenfolk and their inability to a) be sick, and b) empathize with those so afflicted. (And it still stands. ‘Cause it’s really, really funny and so often true.) Nevertheless! I’ve outdone {Read More}

Beyond Thundersnow.

The beginning of the end (for the patio furniture.) The Snowpocalypse is very real, people. So is the seemingly improbable “Thunder Show.” (Two men enter, one man leaves. That man is very likely my husband, shoveling out the neighbors’ walks and making snow angels.) We got pummeled. And there’s nothing quite like seeing Mother Nature make your one-way street a hilly snow tundra (complete with a light show to rival Pink Floyd’s) to make you thankful for heated ceramic tile {Read More}

Intensive porpoises.

[Note: This posting was, for all intents and purposes, ready to go this a.m. However, apparently I wasn’t. Really, all I had to do was do a li’l spell check, edit some late night phrases that don’t do so well in the light of day (and vice versa) and hit ‘publish post.’ Yup. Couldn’t even manage that.  To be fair, I was awfully busy ruining my daughter’s life and stranding a three year-old in the line for preschool pickup. One super sick {Read More}

We did other stuff, too. Really.

The Bitsy Bug is dozing off a low-grade fever this a.m., which means P.J. and I are finally leaving her alone. Seriously. I fully realize that a fever under 104 degrees truly doesn’t warrant any more medical attention than a cool washcloth, the occasional Tylenol and a vodka tonic, extra limes- hey, the whole house is dealing with the kiddo’s discomfort, okay?- but you should try telling that to us in the middle of Taking Care Of Nora. We have entire, {Read More}

A new year, a new pack o’ Pampers.

Week ten, back to work! Armed with a diaper bag the size (and shape) of Guam, Nora and I set out to see what needs doin’ in the world of two to seven year olds. Apparently, a lot lot. Eggs need scrambling! Hair needs to be braided- evenly- and/or clipped back with appropriate bows (but not too matchy-matchy.) The stegosaurus’ tail needs to be found…on a puzzle piece the width of pencil eraser. Stories need to be performed with the {Read More}