Sleep Is For The Awesome.

P.J. likes me. I know this. But sometimes I have to remind myself that just because you like someone doesn’t mean you have to like sleeping next to someone. (Don’t get me wrong- his sleeping options haven’t changed. This is not a democracy, it’s a marriage. But he can have his feelings.) Lemme ‘splain. I’m a bit of a…hmm…an ambitious sleeper. My goal is to cover as much ground as possible. I am Lewis and/or Clark and your pillow is the Pacific {Read More}

By the numbers.

This was Nora’s holiday week- let’s break it down. On Wednesday: (4) meat products were consumed, (9) family members were hugged. Thursday: (5) meat products were consumed, (30) family members were hugged. Friday: (4) meat products were consumed, (9) family members- not including her touchy/feely parents. Saturday: (6) meat products were consumed…plus (5) cheese appetizers, (29) family members were hugged. Sunday: (5) meat products were consumed, plus the rest of the cheese/etc., appetizers, (10) family members were hugged. This a.m. {Read More}

It’s the little ones you hafta watch.

Bath Pingu also frightens me. I am easily frightened. I think we all can agree on that. However, the other day my bravery reached an all new low. I was taking advantage of a quiet/resting Nora by doing all sorts of exotic and glamorous activities in the upstairs bathroom; brushing my teeth, using moisturizer, contemplating a braid. Glancing up into the mirror, I saw into Nora’s open room through the reflection. I saw her crib, I saw her lovies, I saw…her {Read More}

Anyone wanna play Clue?

I’ve been trying pretty hard to adhere to 10pm Bedtime Month- though it’s well into November. It’s been pretty tricky. For example: Did you know that most Evening Events start at 7pm? Sometimes 8? (Yeah, and some begin even later. They will not be delved into here, as I am no longer interested in your positively hooliganistic plans. If I can no longer place an order at The Taco Burrito King once your show/party/film has ended, then go ahead and {Read More}

Maybe Haunted Posts need their own blog day.

How can she post again so soon, you ask yourselves? What could have POSSIBLY gone down since Tuesday that’s worth blogging about? Not much, really. But that’s kinda the point- when one’s main trifecta of posting involves bodily functions/petty grievances/insignificant minutiae, it’s never a slow news day. Update- 10pm bedtime month has been defiled. Disrespected. Nay- disregarded. And by 10pm’s strongest- and loudest- proponent, no less. I’m talking to P.J., Mr. Falling Asleep On The Couch Until 11ish. Plus, PLUS, {Read More}

Computer screens are kinda reflective, too…

Just so you’re all aware- September is 10pm Bedtime Month. This isn’t a national thing or even a local thing, overmuch. Okay, maybe really locally, like the third floor of my house. This is why we’ve been colossal lame-os for- oh, the last week. We eventually got tired of being tired all the time. (Initially, the proposal was for 9pm Bedtime Month but, as was pointed out to us- Thanks, Mom- 9pm is an awfully ambitious bedtime for people who like {Read More}

Home is where the Swiffer is.

My Wii Fit was snarky to me this morning. We have a history, that thing and I do. Back in January it called me obese. Then the boxing instructor openly mocked me. And if it’s been a bit of time between sessions, the Wii console character is all- Well howdy DO, lazy butt!  My “trainer” is condescending. And forever changing her hairstyle. And wondering if- perhaps- I’m putting too much pressure on my toes. Or my heels. Ease up, heifer! {Read More}

Forget the SwaddleMe- swaddle ME.

I am tired. I haven’t been this tired since- well, never, I guess. Which is a horribly constructed sentence. As was that one. Here’s a bit of a confession: I never, not even once, pulled an all-nighter in college. Nope. Never needed to. Most of my classes were tailored towards subjects and habits in which I already excelled; crazy amounts of reading each night, papers about my feelings (like a blog!), projects and presentations wherein I basically got to make ’em {Read More}