Keely And The Terrible, Horrible…OW.

Now, I know I’m not exactly a coal miner, nor is it my task to break boulders into smaller boulders…but occasionally, my day devolves into Not Quite So Easy. For example. Did you know that a freshly mopped floor is a magnet for pee? It just is. It begs for the chance to insufficiently catch (an improbable amount of) bodily fluids from a shockingly small person. “It’s been a minute and a half,” the floor seems to say. “I’m bored! {Read More}

RoundUp: Eat, Play, Create (And Read).

Oh, Wednesday. Today’s round-up is devoted to stuff you should be reading (especially if you’re my Dad and have a holymolylong wait during chemo), and doing (especially if you’re a Chicagoan who likes stuff). Things I Failed To Promote While Pimping My Book (Go Buy It) Father’s Day was epic. Because these two guys are epic. June’s Netflix roundup super gets me. I interviewed Goodman Theatre star Jennie Sophia and got the Brigadoon dish. Here’s the Throwback Monday post where {Read More}

Listen To Your Mother (In Chicago). ‘Cause She’s Usually Right.

Even though I cannot wait to see (and have you all see) the magnificent photos of Chicago’s Listen To Your Mother show (courtesy of the mucho talented Brandi Lee of Balee Images and her supra-fabulous cohort Elizabeth Rago), I’m gonna make do with some spiffy little cell phones to help with my recap. Brace yourself, they’re stunning[ly small]. So. The day was a whirlwind of rehearse, gawk at each other, pretend one’s stilettos weren’t breaking oneself, rehearse, eat some positively cracktacular {Read More}

A Round Up. And Ice Cream. And Excuses.

Yes. I know I said I’d post on Tuesday about the crazy awesomeness which was Sunday’s performance BUT, I’m here to tell you that self-permissive tap outs are a thing. I gave myself a teenser bit of a break on Monday and Tuesday. I mean, not with the cooking, cleaning, child-cartin’, or contractual writing…but the rest? Oh yes. Slacktitude was (kinda) achieved. And the full recap of the Chicago Listen To Your Mother Show will come tomorrow. (For realsies.) ‘Cause it was {Read More}

The News Is There Ain’t No News…

…A.K.A., my Monday post is going up tomorrow. (That’s right, I posted to say that I wouldn’t be posting.) In the meantime, check out my view from yesterday…

A New Favorite Thing: The Sound Of Music At The Lyric Opera.

The Sound of Music is, generation after generation, a family favorite. And with good reason, too. Bouncy songs, gentle themes (well, except for that whole “Nazi Germany” thing), and the underlying message of Love Conquers All make it an exceptional primer into the world of musical theatre (and film)! The Lyric Opera of Chicago’s fresh new staging is a truly special event with an incredibly talented cast. (Check out my interview on Chicago Parent with the gracious and cool Jenn {Read More}

The Most Informative #tbt Ever.

In honor of it being Thursday, and in honor of #tbt being a thing that the kids like to do, may I present: The Four Photographs Which Will Explain Me In Entirety Let’s start with this gem, shall we? Here I am, seated in the center of the table at someone else’s birthday party. I’m not sure if I was trying to be inclusive in this picture or if I was enjoying a “nyah nyah” moment…but goodness, that’s an expression I see {Read More}

A Round Up. And Billy Zane. And- Billy Zane.

What happened this week? Let’s see- oh, right, I MET BILLY ZANE. And that’s all. Okay, fine. I did some other stuff, too, but nothing quite at that level. Stuff I Did That Wasn’t Meeting Billy Zane: For my Dad’s 63rd birthday, I talked about him on the internet. His favorite thing! (And I listed his best advice, ever.) What makes a home “real?” Is it stuff like “walls,” “floorboards” or “electricity?” No, friends, no. I was interviewed by Northwestern Hospital (a {Read More}