An interview with two experienced Pearachuters.

Disclosure: As a Pearachute Ambassador, it’s my business to tell you all about the classes, activities, sports, and play times in the greater Chicagoland area. (And business is GOOD.) Although I’m being compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and children with sand in their ears(?!) are entirely my own. ***FYI, stay with me ’til the bottom for new locales and crazy-new prices!*** *** Sure, you’ve all heard me go on (and on and on) about how great Pearachute is as a flexible {Read More}

Pearachute digs your summer groove.

Disclosure: As a Pearachute ambassador, I sometimes question my good fortune to be able to share our favorite Chicagoland adventures, all using this simple yet brilliant app. Although I’m being compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and sun-freckled children are entirely my own. *** Oh, friends. TGISummerVacationFinallyFinallyFINALLY. I am so massively in love with lazy(ish) mornings spent reading in our jammies, quiet hours building sand castles at the beach (pre-lunch crowd), and lounge-y afternoons spent poking around backyards, the parks, and corners of our {Read More}

New Pearachute deals, just in time for summer (camp)!

Disclosure: As a Pearachute ambassador, I’m happier than a kid with a new box of sidewalk chalk to share our Chicagoland adventures with this marvelous activity-tastic app. Although I’m being compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and introverted children are entirely my own. *** Hey, it’s totally almost summer! (Get back to your desk- I said almost.) Thinking about camps and classes for your little ones? You are so not alone. And the good folks at Pearachute have you covered with new {Read More}

Dandelions. (And anxiety. And guilt. But mostly dandelions.)

The Scene: 9 a.m., mostly sunny day. The double stroller is packed to the gills with everything needed for a one hour-long jaunt to the park and picnic (i.e. blankets, diapers, lunch, snacks, water bottles, inflated ball, hats, sunscreen, wipes, more snacks, lovies, back-up lovies, solitary sandal (…?), mostly deflated other ball) Susannah sees a grassy median covered with hundreds of dandelions. Hundreds.  Susannah: Mom, can we stop and get one for my vase? I’ll put it on my bedside {Read More}

Suzy joins forces with Princess Awesome- and looks rad doing so.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored review by the superb clothing company Princess Awesome, but all thoughts, opinions, and ecstatic daughters are entirely my own. *** Let me let you in on a little secret: I absolutely adore brands which promote strong, brilliant, givin’ not a care for gender norms kiddos. And when they happen to make gorgeous clothing, it’s even better. (And no, those two things are not at odds.) I absolutely adore Princess Awesome. Did you think I invented {Read More}

Spring breaking with Pearachute (and a last-chance deal!)

Disclosure: I’m thrilled to be working as a Pearachute Kids ambassador. Check it out: baby classes! Little kid stories and activities! Bigger kid sports and fine arts! Sibling classes! Drop offfffffs! Even though I’m being compensated for my posts, all thoughts, opinions, and gloriously tired-out children are entirely my own.  *** Curious as to what Pearachuting those tiny kiddos of mine have been up to lately? In “Pearachute About Town” News: Nora and Susannah rocked a Minnow class at the British Swim School. {Read More}

SoCozy haircare now at Bed, Bath & Beyond, Harmon, and BuyBuy Baby!

Disclosure: Even though this is a sponsored post for SoCozy, all thoughts, opinions, and tangle-free mornings are entirely my own. *** If you missed the first time I raved about the incredible SoCozy company (founded by NYC salon owner Cozy Friedman), brace yourself: I’m about to go at it again. This household is downright obsessed with SoCozy’s line of non-toxic, nasty-free hair care products.   Ready for what they DON’T have? Parabens, formaldehyde, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic color, and propylene glycol Alcohol, gluten, {Read More}

Thanksgiving, Chicago theatre, and a heavily discounted book!

Happy Cyber Monday! Thanks for spending it here (…on your way to that Amazon flash sale dealie). Last week was so jam-packed and Thanksgiving was so marvelous that I totally forgot about my Thursday post until, uh, last night. (Whee! Now that’s some quality turkey-ing.) Highlights: We spent the day itself at our great friends’/neighbors’ house and completely encroached upon their extended family time. (Thanks, Coopers!) Related: is that corn pudding/casserole thing a Midwestern wonder, or have people just been {Read More}