Summer Brain Boosts, AKA Netflix Wants Me To Snack.

As a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam, I’m ridiculously happy to tell you guys about this month’s theme- summertime brain boostin’ for those information sponges you (and I) call children. And hey, we are always one “hands-on learning activity” away from a snack. Hungry? *** Here’s the thing. Once summertime hits, it’s oh-so easy for kiddos to lose the brain stimulation as quickly as they lose the structure and outside-appropriate outfits of the schoolyear. (Anyone else’s kid have certain ensembles {Read More}

Mom’s Streaming Sanctuary. (Thanks, Netflix!)

As a member of Netflix’s Stream Team, it’s my really, really fun job to share each month’s exceptionally curated content. June’s theme is Mom’s (and Dad’s!) Streaming Sanctuary and- for real- you’re gonna love what’s now available for devouring. *** Boy oh boy, did this month’s Netflix Stream Team round-up really speak to me on a deep and personal (and exhausted) level. Because it’s all about Mom’s Streaming Sanctuary (…you know, the ones you’ve been queuing up for months but {Read More}

Spring Into A Starring Role (Kinda) With Netflix And The Stream Team.

As a member of Netflix’s Stream Team, I’m thrilled to bring freshly curated content straight to your grateful eyeballs each month. May means music! Read (and sing) on, yeah? *** Deep dark secret time: I used to wish that my life were a musical. Like, when I was younger. (Like, last week.) Netflix is feelin’ me this month with its list of fling-your-arms-wide and sing-it-to-the-rafters featured titles, just in time for that season of spring musicals (not to mention spring {Read More}

Free Netflix & A Trip Down Memory Lane.

Here’s one of my ultimate favorite things about Netflix: they let you revisit your completely awesome TV memories (and then conveniently pause…and then conveniently re-watch at 2am…and then conveniently get a snack and continue watching in your kitchen…) And let’s be honest. I attended Bayside High. I was no stranger to the Keaton family. And I bet you didn’t know that Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys had a wicked helpful fourth member of the team. (And no, it wasn’t Bess {Read More}

Netflix In March: Science Project Perfection.

While my kiddos are still a tad too young to join the ranks of blue-ribbon winning Science Fair participants, no one’s too young to explore cause and effect, further their natural curiosity, or engage in a little problem-solving. (For my younger daughter, that’s just called Monday Morning By 9am.) Have I mentioned my love of Netflix and their curated content for every age, stage, and er- energy level? And I have I mentioned that I’m one of the newest members {Read More}

Aversion To Reality: Television Edition.

Sunday evening, 9:44pm: Jasper stared me in the eye, opened his mouth wide in recognition, and gave me his first real I am so thrilled you’re here smile. 9:44:07pm: It hit me- not for the first time- that I was stupidly in love with this little boy. 9:44:15pm: Jasper, still smiling, turned his head to the side and spit up an impressive amount of his last feeding. 9:44:19pm: Checked in with self- still stupid, still in love. In other news, a.k.a. {Read More}

Netflix Wants To Make Your Summer Easier (And Nicer).

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Netflix. (Whoo hoo!) No one should be surprised by now that my family loves watching movies. And shows. And documentaries. And war epics. (Okay, that last one is a highly specific cross-section of the family which includes just one individual. He’s the tallest. And the only boy. And he’s P.J.) And I know y’all know how hard I love Netflix. The instant gratification. The nonexistent commercials. And the ability {Read More}

Keely: Television Series Addict.

I’ve always loved my television. The painfully specific- in unwise doses- programming of my television. The type which I consume during times of transition, stress, and/or necessary escapism. The first show I can clearly remember doing this with is Twin Peaks. On a road trip- in a camper, no less- I marathoned nearly the entire series at a downright breakneck pace. It was immediately after I had graduated from college, and saw nothing wrong with losing an entire weekend to {Read More}