Spoiling A Movie In Three Panels.

So, this is nowhere near “wordless” today, but I think you’ll forgive the loquaciousness when you behold THIS: This movie has already aired. You may have missed your chance to see it. But it still needs to be discussed. The promo features three distinct pictures slashed across the page: Cuba Gooding Jr. looking concerned. A female behind a chain link fence looking, I dunno, hopeless. And, inexplicably, a group of what I can only assume are jumpsuited prisoners laughing on {Read More}

8 Ways To Tell If Perhaps You’ve Given Up On The Whole "Limit The Kids’ TV" Thing.

It all looks so real! Almost like it’s animated! 1) Your 2 year-old says “Vamanos!” as you leave the house. (Passersby commend you on your bilingual teachings, but you know that it’s really all Dora’s doing.) 2) You’ve actually referred to at least one of the Backyardigans as a jerk. 3) Everyone in your household knows that there are three separate Strawberry Shortcake series- the oldest of which is the one you yourself watched as a child. (And they also {Read More}

Keely Saves Money. Keely Lives Better.

She’s awfully yellow. So, shot a commercial on Monday. And it was for Walmart. I shot a Walmart commercial. My name is Keely, and I played a Real Mom who shopped at Walmart and took the Walmart Challenge. And it was awesome. I got this gig through an agent and my friend Bradford (thanks, Bradford!) and was able to go to multiple auditions because my neighbor and friend Angie watched the girls (thanks, Angie!) and spent the day at the {Read More}

My Life Is So Very, Very Charmed.

This is what a Real Mom looks like, apparently- especially on set.(Why so much makeup, Mom?) Also, I am not as yellow in reallife as the Hipstamatic would have you believe.) …And this cannot be re-posted enough.Scott Bakula and I wish you the happiest of Leap Days!

Can’t Put That In A Trapper-Keeper, Though.

Do the Wonder Pets have a Twitter account? I have finally- finally- figured out what to do with the darned playroom. I realize that this is of little consequence to anyone not spending nearly ten hours a day in, on, or around this room (a narrow li’l group, to be sure)…but for those of us who are, well, it’s just fantastic news. The baby swing is no longer randomly against a wall, smacking into an exersaucer and/or a train table. (Swing- {Read More}

Strangely, True Blood did not play into the dream AT ALL.

There was a fountain here a sec ago. Emma and Dan have left. Boo. However, we no longer have 8,000 glasses, cups, and mugs in/on the sink/ dishwasher/ countertops. (Flynn girls pride themselves on hydration.) No one is making me laugh like a loon by announcing “Hey, brotherrr” (a la Arrested Development) every time someone enters the room. But then again, no is giving me palpitations by making me wonder what train stop they’re taking home/if the alarm is properly {Read More}

Nora’s the coolest and her parents are the laziest.

You’ll have to excuse the tardiness of the blog today (cue Van Halen: I don’t feel tardy…) due to my inability to hold facts, dates, or appointments in my brain or on my phone. You know when a good time to remember when you’re working the next morning is not? The middle of the night. A good, cold shock of adrenaline really starts the week off correctly. Hence the stellar packing of All Things Nora and the less than ideal {Read More}

Someone should really clean this kid up…

Workaday, workaday. P.J. has returned and has brought with him a heart-shaped rock, so all is right with the world. While it’s exceptionally good to have him back (and Nora, who has still yet to see him due to irregular sleeping patterns, will most likely lose her petite li’l head), here are a few surprising things that I have learned over this long weekend: 1. The biggest fear I have about being the only grownup at home- more than burglars, murderers, {Read More}