We Have A Work Order Attached To The Window By Animal Stickers.

I’m not kidding. I have some excellent news for folks who are planning to stay with us from here on out- you will not burn in your sleep! Isn’t that exciting and homey? For those of you who have slept at the Schoeny Chateau (all eight of you since mid-June)- nice work on that narrow escape. Turns out, even though I really wanted to work on something we could SEE as opposed to boring ol’ electrical work, it desperately needed rewiring. {Read More}

My kinda town. And beach.

My youngest sister is in town! Em and her boyfriend Dan have been here since Tuesday night. It’s part visit, part graduation trip for Dan, and part Nora seeing the people that go with the faces in her picture book. (Win/win/win.) It’s pretty fun having people from out of town- especially if said people are sisterish types- because it allows me the chance to do something for which I so rarely find the time: be a tourist. Yesterday we spent {Read More}

The sun’ll come out…in August.

Not only not recent, but not even ME. I am le tired. Perhaps it is the weather- this eternal just-on-the-cusp-of-March drizzle with twenty minute long bursts of quickly disappearing actual light- that makes me want to jump out a window. Except that my first floor is a half story up and the top level not high enough to really make a dramatic impact. (But maybe- just maybe- that’s the kinda window jumping I prefer.) (And then I remember that a {Read More}

There was also popcorn in bed. Doctor’s orders.

Sadly, Blogger has still (as of 9am CST today) not reinstated Thursday’s post. So, uh, maybe check back later if you’re dying for a mid-week recap? (And I know you are.) Also, Wordless Wednesday explanations? The first pic is a magnetic version of a paper doll, one that the girls for whom I nanny love to dress in ball gowns and the fanciest of gear. They decided to make one that “dresses like Kiki.”  “Can’t I get a tiara or a {Read More}

Also, liverwurst now comes in slices.

I think I see a dandelion, Dad. There was a lot to celebrate this weekend. Globally, the capture of Osama Bin Laden. (And while I rarely “celebrate” any death, I happily acknowledge the sense of justice permeating the interwebs. To paraphrase a friend -thanks Andrew Slack!- Everyone remembers where they were on 9/11; scattered all across the globe. And now everyone will remember where they were when they heard news of Bin Laden’s death- on Facebook.) Regionally, we were stoked {Read More}

Weekends Are For Eating.

Corn dogs forever. Okay. So, this snow is seriously an unexpected turn of events. Especially to my ranunculus- which, yes, I realize makes me sound a thousand creaky years old- but they [were] lovely be-petaled window box beauties…and are now flowersicles. If there is one victory, it is that the sneaky bunnies and the mammoth squirrel we’ve named The Don will no longer be able to pilfer my lettuce. (Ha HAH.) Before I spiral into a depressing morning of Snuggie-wearing {Read More}

I will drown my sorrows in nacho cheese.

Let’s just keep on walking, Dad. This past Friday, I suffered my first middle school breakup…since middle school. It was rough. It was also, oddly enough, with a bank. I’ve long touted the fabulousness of Chase Bank’s plethora of ATMs. And sure, that’s about it- but for a little while, it was enough. My first bank account in Chicago was with them, back in ’02. And yeah, absolutely, back then they were Bank One. But the transition to Chase was {Read More}

Nora’s the coolest and her parents are the laziest.

You’ll have to excuse the tardiness of the blog today (cue Van Halen: I don’t feel tardy…) due to my inability to hold facts, dates, or appointments in my brain or on my phone. You know when a good time to remember when you’re working the next morning is not? The middle of the night. A good, cold shock of adrenaline really starts the week off correctly. Hence the stellar packing of All Things Nora and the less than ideal {Read More}