Love, Snacks & Impressive Skills.

Here is what I know this week: I’m surrounded by exceptional people, always. The concepts of community and family aren’t limited to bloodlines or zip codes. Life is so fleeting, so beautiful, and so…much. Additionally, my son wants more graham crackers. This is another thing I know.   Because I’m focused so extra hard on my babiest of babies today (sorry, J), let’s go ahead and show his newest trick. (He might be the only person I’ve ever birthed who {Read More}

Sometimes A Picture Has To Do.

And then there are the days where you’re not feeling particularly humorous, or witty, or profound, or even weird- and, especially that last one, is when you know it’s time to say good enough is good enough- which, oh my God, your Dad would just effing hate– and post a picture you like. A picture you love, really. So here it is, a picture I love. My three favorite men in the entire world, all sitting around like the most important {Read More}

Happy Birthday, Jasper. Now Ease Up, Kid.

Jasper. Roo. Little Buddy Boy Child. You did it, pal. You’ve turned a year old- well, that is, within a matter of hours you will have. Tomorrow is officially your birthday but, for those of us all-too aware of this imminently cresting milestone, it’s pretty much been here since- oh, July. You’re it, kid. My last one year-old. My first little guy. A person (albeit a smallish one) where, just 12 months ago, existed only a belly of potential and {Read More}

Birthdayed. (Partied.)

Despite my best of (weird) intentions, this kid has decided to turn a full year older. (Turning him a full year, at that.) So, what’s a control freak to do? Throw a Jabberwocky party, of course. Like with Jabberwocky crayons. Which are totally things, I swear it. Have you read this book? It’s Jasper’s favorite (to eat). How can you tell it’s a third kid’s birthday? The “cupcakes” are blueberry muffins from a box and the candle has already been {Read More}

A Case Of The Mondays.

Due to Birthday Month, Halloween week, classroom parties galore, a snowstorm on Trick or Treat, a few minor cases of the sniffles, Daylight Savings Time, and the hotly argued arrival of the Halloween Witch*(?!) who came and took the rest of the household candy, this is the atmosphere ’round my home this fine Monday morning. Happy Monday morning, everyone. *P.J. completely made up the concept of the Halloween Witch**, who removes candy from the homes of smallish children who repeatedly {Read More}

That Time I Gouged Out My Eye: A Wedding Story.

Last weekend, I had a simply awesome time helping my youngest sister pick out a gorgeous wedding dress with friends, my other two sisters, and my Mom. But this post is not about that. Jasper took his very first flight as well, and was a model citizen of the sky. This post is not about that, either. I extended my trip for some much-needed chill time with my Dad and Mom; the former because he needed a high-five from me {Read More}

10 Months, Kid.

Hey there, 10 month-old. Fun factoid, Jasper: Did you know that 10 months is heart-stoppingly close to the number 12? As in months? As in A YEAR? You probably did know that, because you’re downright brilliant and advanced and kind of a remarkable all-around individual of the short-ish persuasion. But if I’m being honest with myself (which is usually the first thing to go right out the ol’ window when the topic of my children’s ages n’ stages comes up), {Read More}

Jasper Unlocks Achievement: 9 Months.

Jasper. You are now 9 months, which- as everyone knows- is exactly halfway to 31 years old. Soon you will vote, drive, and shave. Which would be the total reverse if you were an anxious girl of the Armenian persuasion like your mother. (Ba-dum-ching.) But while I have you living in my home for a teensy bit longer, I’d like to lay out the things about you which never fail to make me smile. (And, let’s be honest, I owe {Read More}