I convinced my son to break his pacifier (and other therapy stories).

I’m a horrible mother. I super duper mean it this time. Lemme ‘splain: Jasper needed to kick his pacifier habit. (No, that’s not the reason I’m a horrid parent- will you hang on a second, judgy?) He’s two and a half, already operates at a slight deficit in the whole speechly department, and I think we can all agree that a partially ripped, grubby pink pacifier doesn’t exactly scream “Christmas card photo,” right? It was time to kick the paci. {Read More}

Pearachute digs your summer groove.

Disclosure: As a Pearachute ambassador, I sometimes question my good fortune to be able to share our favorite Chicagoland adventures, all using this simple yet brilliant app. Although I’m being compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and sun-freckled children are entirely my own. *** Oh, friends. TGISummerVacationFinallyFinallyFINALLY. I am so massively in love with lazy(ish) mornings spent reading in our jammies, quiet hours building sand castles at the beach (pre-lunch crowd), and lounge-y afternoons spent poking around backyards, the parks, and corners of our {Read More}

New Pearachute deals, just in time for summer (camp)!

Disclosure: As a Pearachute ambassador, I’m happier than a kid with a new box of sidewalk chalk to share our Chicagoland adventures with this marvelous activity-tastic app. Although I’m being compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and introverted children are entirely my own. *** Hey, it’s totally almost summer! (Get back to your desk- I said almost.) Thinking about camps and classes for your little ones? You are so not alone. And the good folks at Pearachute have you covered with new {Read More}

Heartburn, A.K.A. How not to eat with a 2 year-old.

The time: 7:56 a.m. The scene: The living room floor I could tell that the two littles were going to have a special brand of crazy for their day. Waking with the sun didn’t help. The humidity making their breakfast-covered jammies stick to their crabby little bodies didn’t do much to improve morale, either. So I decided to streamline my morning routine to almost nil, in order to turn this day around as soon as humanly possible. Please keep in {Read More}

Spring breaking with Pearachute (and a last-chance deal!)

Disclosure: I’m thrilled to be working as a Pearachute Kids ambassador. Check it out: baby classes! Little kid stories and activities! Bigger kid sports and fine arts! Sibling classes! Drop offfffffs! Even though I’m being compensated for my posts, all thoughts, opinions, and gloriously tired-out children are entirely my own.  *** Curious as to what Pearachuting those tiny kiddos of mine have been up to lately? In “Pearachute About Town” News: Nora and Susannah rocked a Minnow class at the British Swim School. {Read More}

SoCozy haircare now at Bed, Bath & Beyond, Harmon, and BuyBuy Baby!

Disclosure: Even though this is a sponsored post for SoCozy, all thoughts, opinions, and tangle-free mornings are entirely my own. *** If you missed the first time I raved about the incredible SoCozy company (founded by NYC salon owner Cozy Friedman), brace yourself: I’m about to go at it again. This household is downright obsessed with SoCozy’s line of non-toxic, nasty-free hair care products.   Ready for what they DON’T have? Parabens, formaldehyde, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic color, and propylene glycol Alcohol, gluten, {Read More}

Terribly terrible twos.

Jasper got the memo. You know, the Terrible Two’s memo? I always thought that was a joke, an urban legend designed to encourage new parents to cuddle their babies tighter/inspire parents to think sending their kids off to school wouldn’t be all that bad. A handful? Sure! But really, what age isn’t a handful? Susannah hit the “terrible twos” at about 14 months, but hers was characterized by a marked desire to DOITMYSELF. (Which…is still going on, now that I {Read More}

Birthday boy.

My dearest, darling-est, only Man Cub: Happy Birthday Eve, Jasper. You are so incredibly close to two years old. You are also- at once- a squishy little baby-cheeked toddler and a decidedly stubborn male of the impatient persuasion. You ricochet between neediness (“Mama, Mama come, help you? UP. Mama“) and hittin’ the road, Jack. Fun fact: Did you know that Jack Daniels’ first name is actually Jasper? You’re clearly destined for greatness, distillery or otherwise. You are also destined for {Read More}