#ThisIsNine (Or, a “new glasses” story)

I don’t write about Nora as much as I used to anymore. A huge part of embracing that whole #ThisIsNine hashtag comes part n’ parcel of what “nine” actually means. Nine is fierce loyalty, intense emotions, and a both-hands-gripped nostalgia for toys we both kinda/sorta know are on their [slow] way out. #ThisIsNine… …Is also tentative requests for more privacy, more autonomy, and more respect. I miss writing about Nora as much as I used to. Since the day she {Read More}

4 terrific ‘something they want, something they need’ picks for the littles!

Disclosure: Thank you to this month’s sponsors for making our holiday oh-so merry and bright with our “something…” roundup! Although I’m compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and thoroughly stoked children are entirely my own. *** It’s always a little tricky to balance the intake of goods with the output of, you know, doing good during the holidays. That’s why I’m so, so happy to present Lollygag Blog’s guide of “something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to {Read More}

Writing. Or, why I bother.

I’ve missed writing. I’ve missed writing a brain-splat of wordy words and half-formed feelings and one-liners that, really, don’t fit quite right anywhere else. Slices of life and sweet, tiny little memories I panic about forgetting (like, “2am, covered in sweat” panicking), and the sort of written proof that I was here and most decidedly more than a chauffeur or shoe-finder in this season of life. Which is why I’m writing again in this space. Which is also why I’m {Read More}

September feelings and missing my kids.

Happy September! I’ve missed you, friends! (And, to be honest, I’ve missed me-as-blogger. Which makes this summer’s experiment a success!) There’s so much- and so many feelings- to catch you up on. Let’s start with: Oh, September. First days of school make me maudlin. Not because I get all “where did my babies goooo” (which I sometimes do), but because it reminds me of all of the moments that have blown by and all of the moments that’ll blow by {Read More}

Big Feelings. (AKA, It’s a cold, rainy day.)

Today is a day of big feelings. Like, really big feelings. And horrid weather. (Related? Probably.) Today is March 1st, and in three days it’ll be March 4th, and I am trying- I am so trying- to march forth. (Hopefully three days lead time will be enough. I may need to stretch.) *** Happy birthday, Rog. I just heard on the radio that today is Roger Daltrey’s birthday (happy birthday!) and so, in his honor, they weren’t going to play {Read More}

Autumn angst.

When I was in my mid-twenties, my primary sources of income were nannying and teaching theatre to very little kids. They were great jobs; I got to be in a city I loved, surrounded by kids I loved, helping smallish people to grow into kind, artistic people (whom I still love). There was no better time of year to do all this than in the Fall, when everything suddenly seemed excitingly cozy. There was something so nesty about September and {Read More}

Time travel and being present

The other day, I took the kids to our neighborhood park. They were so full of energy and I was…so not. While they played I perched on the low perimeter wall and played eyeball Double Dutch as the three of them ran from slide to tire swing to climbing structure. But then I saw a mother who was so into what her baby was doing, seeing, feeling, and experiencing at that very moment in that very playground and, instead of {Read More}

#StreamTeam and the perfection of nostalgia

Disclosure: As a member of Netflix’s Stream Team, I get to watch an incredible amount of TV and tell you about it. (My kids are understandably tolerant.) Although I’m compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and second cups of coffee are entirely my own.* *So back off. *** I’m pretty lucky. I happened to marry a guy who shares my love of nostalgia- and puttering- on weekend mornings. Case in point: Saturdays are when P.J. makes the kids his world/household-famous chocolate chip {Read More}