Thinking Spring? Think Rockets of Awesome.

Rockets of Awesome= Spring play clothes! (Important stuff: I’m a Rockets of Awesome affiliate, and as such, I get a couple of pennies when you click through and buy clothing and wear them around town. Okay, I don’t get paid for when you wear the darned things, but I wanted to make sure we’re all cool with this. We are, right? Thanks!) Apparently, my kids are thinking Spring. How else to explain the abundance of rainbows in our wardrobe, courtesy {Read More}


Oh, my dearest boy. Today you are six. Today you are home sick. (Today you are home and really sick. So we’ll keep this one short-ish, yeah? Yeah.) Last night before bed you informed me that you were going to wake up in the morning and, first thing, look in the mirror. Because you knew what to look for. A certain “six” mentality, maybe, or another inch of Big Kid growth. Your Dad read you a book and, upon its {Read More}

Rockets of Awesome & their $10 Black Friday sale!

Important to note- this post contains affiliate links! If you click through, I might make a few pennies here and there. Are you cool with that? You’re cool with that, right? *** Oh gosh, these clothes. I love the fantastically playful, incredibly livable Rockets of Awesome brand– and for Black Friday they launched an unprecedented $10 KIDDO CLOTHING SALE for this weekend only! Where to begin? Okay, we’ll begin with Suzy. Out of this season’s collection, she chose glittery. She {Read More}

Ten things to know on your tenth birthday, Nora.

Dear Nora Jane, I know I usually wax poetic on your birthdays, telling you how much being your Mom has changed me (because it has), and how incredibly wonderful you continue to be (because you do), but today feels a little different. Today you’re ten. Yes, years old. Which means that the wildest adventure I ever began started ten years ago today, which also means that- somehow- you’re no longer the tiny pinched-face potato tied to my chest, and I’m {Read More}

Ready or not…you’re eight.

Ready? Susannah, the “ready or not” part is for me. Because it has never, ever been a question for you, my dear one. Today you are 8. Eight years old! In Suzy years that’s roughly 59 because, as everyone knows, you leaped- fully formed- from my brain like Athena. (Yep, that’s how c-sections work. Next question!) You’ve taught me so many things, my middlest child. Like, that you’re not really all that little anymore. Maybe you never really were? You {Read More}

39 and feeling good and indulgent birthday posts

39. Good gracious. There’s something so self-indulgent about a birthday blog post, isn’t there? Thanks for indulging my self-indulgence. Today, I am 39. Thirty nine. That’s…a number right there. (Special note to friends and family over the age of 39: Thanks in advance for not smacking me upside the head. Because I’m gonna talk about it a little bit longer.) Because 39. It feels heavy. Like, your parents are 39, right? (Except they’re totally not; they’re most likely 50 and {Read More}

21 things my daughters need to see me do (often)

21 things my daughters need to see me do (often): My daughters need to see me apologize when I’ve truly, honestly messed up. To my husband, to my friends and, yep, to my kids. They also need to see me: Hold out- and push for- a real apology when someone else has really, truly messed up. (And thoroughly eradicate “no worries” from my vocabulary as an automatic argument-ender when there should legit be some “worries.”) (Stop saying/posting/pre-empting potentially upsetting/important conversations {Read More}

If 18 year-old Me saw me now. (A helpful primer!)

20 years ago, I was a college freshman. I had plans back then, you guys. Like Plans in capital letters. I was thinking about this baby version of myself the other day as I was living my fully grown, decidedly non-college freshman life. This train of thought quickly turned to “Oh my goodness, what would 18 year-old Me think if she were plopped down into my 2019 day?” (I can’t be the only one who has thoughts like this every {Read More}