My least- and most- ambitious word for 2019

You’ve seen ’em, right? Everybody with their shiny, hashtag-worthy word for 2019. Like, #achieve or #love or #pony. (Hey, a girl can #hope, right? Also, why doesn’t anyone ever keep it real with a word like #cheese or #nap?) In the past few years, my words have been about career growth, writerly encouragement, and other money-making, soul-enriching kinda stuff. Good stuff, really. But then I started feeling not-so great towards the end of last year. And, as anyone who’s felt {Read More}

Politically cheated, globally exhausted.

Politically cheated. Sometimes I feel cheated. Specifically, I feel politically cheated. But hear me out as to why. I never planned on being eyeballs-deep into American policies and relations and amendments and candidates with- jeebus– horrific skeletons in their Terrible Person closets. Don’t get me wrong- civics class was fun. I wrote a pen pal letter to Chelsea Clinton in 1992. Heck, touring the FBI’s headquarters in D.C. was a highlight of my nerdy, nerdy, in-love-with-Mulder youth. But otherwise? I {Read More}

Writing. Or, why I bother.

I’ve missed writing. I’ve missed writing a brain-splat of wordy words and half-formed feelings and one-liners that, really, don’t fit quite right anywhere else. Slices of life and sweet, tiny little memories I panic about forgetting (like, “2am, covered in sweat” panicking), and the sort of written proof that I was here and most decidedly more than a chauffeur or shoe-finder in this season of life. Which is why I’m writing again in this space. Which is also why I’m {Read More}

Distracted, disconnected & more than a little disgusted.

I am so distracted. (I am SO distracted.) After writing that sentence I stared off into the middle distance for, well, I didn’t look at the time because I was thinking about pizza- but I’m sure it was longer than either the staring or the pizza thoughts warranted. Anyway. I am distracted. This post was originally going to be a grab bag of thoughts regarding social media rabbit holes and the constant noise of Awful Things…but it’s not that. Not {Read More}

7 non-failures that definitely happened this week!

Today, I felt like making a list of minor victories that occurred over the week. You know, the kind of stuff that usually goes unchampioned but, in a week where I pretty much wanted to face-plant in the hallway, deserves a bit of an after-the-fact high-five? Yep, those. And I totally invite you to make your own list of non-failures! Sometimes it’s nice to realize that, at least on paper, a pretty hard week was also a pretty a-ok one. {Read More}

Big Feelings. (AKA, It’s a cold, rainy day.)

Today is a day of big feelings. Like, really big feelings. And horrid weather. (Related? Probably.) Today is March 1st, and in three days it’ll be March 4th, and I am trying- I am so trying- to march forth. (Hopefully three days lead time will be enough. I may need to stretch.) *** Happy birthday, Rog. I just heard on the radio that today is Roger Daltrey’s birthday (happy birthday!) and so, in his honor, they weren’t going to play {Read More}

#TruthTime, October edition

Here’s what I’ve learned this month. You’re never quite as alone as you think. When you stand at a front window and stare into the middle distance while eating fistful upon fistful of your child’s Halloween candy in some semblance of pajama/work at home attire, you will appear to the casual passerby on the street like an absolutely terrifying (and confusing) apparition. (“You heard about THAT house, right? They say she died with fun-sized Baby Ruths clutched to her chest…”) {Read More}

Saying “nope.”

I have this fantasy. Stick with me, here. It involves having an automated email response set up for one whole day, the kind that knows how to accept emails I’m excited to get from family, friends, and work ops that’d be fulfilling, and filter out the multitude which are weird, offensive, stupid, unpaid, unpaid AND unethical, ask for my help getting the unpaid and unethical stuff “to the right department,” or follow up to my “that won’t work/that’s not a {Read More}